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Everything posted by nameraka

  1. picked up cyberpunk 2077. not really my jam. kinda glad it was on sale.
  2. Five coolest places i've been. 1. the dead sea 2. devil's tower, wy 3. inside a submarine 4.this one park with really cool rock formations in south dakota that i don't remember the name of. 5. mesada one really shitty place i've been. 1. the corn palace. mitchell, sd.
  3. i need ideas. no theme, no genre, just whatever is getting you through the night.
  4. 80's hair metal was big dumb fun, and there's nothing wrong with that. Music doesn't have to be cynical to be worth listening to.
  5. I really am turning into a salty old cunt. This is what sobriety does to people.
  6. as mitch would say, sorry for the convenience.
  7. and like start drifting, and your eyes get kinda heavy, then everything just kind of blanks out and goes dark and you lose several hours of time? i should see a doctor, right?
  8. It's worse. He was real. He's just dead. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Nicholas
  9. i guess i'm just getting a little old to believe that next year will actually be better. it's starting to feel like i'm trying to convince myself that santa claus is real.
  10. only correct way to make tacos:
  11. top 5 vehicle based action tv shows/movies from the 80's 1. Airwolf 2. Steethawk 3.. Knight Rider 4. Blue Thunder 5. Firefox
  12. Also, we're gonna need one of those ice bucket machines like they have in hotels. for the snow cone machine... and other um, purposes...
  13. we demand you bring back the chicken cordon bleu at once!
  14. there is nothing unreasonable about wanting the hibachi chef to have been trained in japan. authenticity is very important.
  15. i second this. we'll actually wave the koi pond clause for this.
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