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Age of S'jet

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Everything posted by Age of S'jet

  1. face flushes out a bit with more fluid, skin appears clearer, some blemishes and shit diminish when you eat and drink healthy, eyes even clear up a bit
  2. Mhm another thing i cut back caffeine didnt even mean to, i only have about 60 a day now down from 300
  3. something i do weekly write a small explanation of what that could mean
  4. =/
  5. wat about ipas? they seem pretty bland, thats all i drink but I dont look up my booze.
  6. I feel a lot better and my blood pressure is amazingly perfect since cutting sugar and sodium out. I wonder if this is an American issue and not a global health one. I can't imagine every other country throwing so much sodium and sugar into their processed foods (I mean I can but fuck America). My skin is even clearer and I look 2 years younger. I've been at this for like... meh, maybe a year now? I still need to quit smoking cigs but I haven't in a few days because I got a couple of dental implants and I can't smoke. Not even stressing about it, moreso the weed lmfao.
  7. i only drink water except weekends then i drank
  8. Tru prob
  9. chances are you're consuming an unnecessary excess of it daily.
  10. because he's a boring twat with nothing better to do
  11. https://www.spotify.com/us/download/ download install use your login credentials ???? profit at least i gave you a link unlike these unhelpful degenerates.
  12. but spotify is king get with the times
  13. Age of S'jet


  14. i doubt this is the real hubbb but this is better than zeni
  15. Yes and no. I am getting back into it slowly thanks to a friend - but I really love this commander thing (and hate it at the same time). I feel like the game has gotten overly technical compared to when I played it all the time in 2000 etc. Yea it's been that long since I've played.
  16. So last season of OiTNB is on netflix, and I'm watching it. This ICE shit is really pissing me off. I'm aware its not a 100% accurate representation of what is going on in these camps, but I hear its pretty damned fucking close and its absolutely abhorrent and disgusting. I try to avoid certain news coverage, even on places like reddit because I hate negativity - but I'm glad this show decided to cover this. Ironically enough, at a festival in downtown Philly today, there was some "anti-ICE" group and I immediately donated. I'm not a fucking saint, but if someone has been living here for 5,10,15 etc years and working, contributing, raising children it's not anyone's right to kick someone off a piece of land. Bitches apparently never heard of Pangaea. I fucking hate this planet.
  17. 4 is usually for an event, was there a pre-season game by you that day?
  18. i sexually identify as an Apache helicopter
  19. dope now smoke it
  20. Lmfao welcome to linus tech tips.
  21. I only really fuck with soft serve. Don't do much sugary shit. Theres a place 2 blocks down my street this is where i get my soft serve.
  22. dont use live nation / ticketmaster etc stubhub CHEAPER FOR NO REASON
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