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Age of S'jet

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Everything posted by Age of S'jet

  1. dance gavin dance is overrated
  2. fucking sucks
  3. lol embiid
  4. aw man, nabs def eats pussy
  5. Nah that was post roll, i went outside, smoked, then ate the rest of the salad.
  7. you can do it if i could do it, you can do it. It makes you feel so much better about yourself.
  8. hey so i have the sagging skin problem too from when i was fat and lost extreme weight in a short time, your best bet is to excerise those areas more than the others. lots of stretching and burst strength type exercises.
  9. fuggs do the keto diet and lose mad weight and post nudes. disable their fat jokes.
  10. proud of you for only having 400 post in this place since you've been back this is no IB bud. just a cess pool
  11. You literally are a fucking third toe.
  12. so i can make fun of him duh
  13. @stilgar sorry i can't fulfill your fantasy of you sucking on my fat cock.
  14. well stilgar is bi, so maybe he does want my "broken" dick that explains it.
  15. no i dont wanna know what he looks like he just follows me into all of my threads and flames me and i flame him back welcome to our cycle.
  16. said it earlier if i dont know what you look like then your words are a joke to me plus i hear enough about you being a basement dwelling brewed fart of a human being so that's good enough for me
  17. ok fat perma virgin
  18. Dont tempt me with a good time. ya'll know ill do it
  19. corny im tryin to do some inhouse league matches, or OW, or some gears 5, or a convoy in forza horizion 4. in reality im waiting for halo mcc to drop on pc, i have the insider preview i applied for it months ago but its inactive for the time being. edit: ahh i forgot all of those games besides league require a good computer.
  20. meh those games are all corny besides smash no one here has a competitive attitude besides KN
  21. https://www.amazon.com/Bomb-Beyond-Insanity-Sauce-Bottle/dp/B000FIBBWS
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