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Age of S'jet

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Everything posted by Age of S'jet

  1. I love shrooms so much.
  2. but why the fuck was volbeat there
  3. i am
  4. clannad sucked
  5. hello verizon
  6. Mhmmm its fine but whats also human nature is sometimes you get them alone, you both get drunk, shit happens
  7. at the frequency you make this thread you ought to just start growing ur own shit
  8. you too if ur game you would too girl lives on steam still to this day
  9. people on here have a selective memory because most of their lives are completely miserable so they ignore the good and revel in the bad of others to make themselves feel better.
  10. dont blame em id suck a fart out of her butthole too
  11. what do you stream?
  12. and u guys didnt disappoint
  13. Or just... you know, do what I always do. Stir something up and disappear for a few days. I come back to my threads full of stupid replies and I get a few laughs. Like I'm about to do Right now =D
  14. Not all dogs are bad, but right now in America... dog culture is just absolutely terrible.
  15. You're actually kinda slow.... damn I'm sorry I wasn't aware until now =/
  16. How are things going since last time we talked? Everything okay with the significant other?
  17. Let me clarify one thing. Dog Nutters are the problem. People who view their dog as more important than humans, and the ones that NEVER correct their dog's behavior. I have two married friends who are great owners, and their dog is awesome, but I have a few that are just absolutely fucking retarded when it comes to their dog. But yea, fuck most dogs in general, and the ones in question - fuck their owner entirely.
  18. I think they were Hispanic. It was taken in K&A which is just... just terrible. Try 5-10 minutes
  19. would you just leave already?
  20. It's the culture behind them you inbred twat
  21. My DoG iS JuSt BeInG A dOg ItS FuNnY fucking retards
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