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Age of S'jet

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Everything posted by Age of S'jet

  1. "The U.S. Air Force is aware of the Facebook event encouraging people to 'Storm Area 51,' " an Air Force spokesperson told NPR. "The Nevada Test and Training Range provides flexible, realistic and multidimensional battlespace to test and develop tactics as well as conduct advanced training in support of U.S. national interests," said the official, using the full name of a site that includes Area 51. "Any attempt to illegally access the area is highly discouraged." This is your government people. Essentially they would be completely comfortable with killing 1.2 million Americans because they walked past a certain point of land. We don't live in a full disclosure world. They're basically just saying "Yea we have shit here that we don't believe the general public would be able to cope with mentally". Cool. I hope 1.2 million people do storm it and then Russia and China invade us and dethrone our government for committing an act of genocide and liberate us from our nazi overlords.
  2. i just saw this earlier is this an area 51 meme dump thread now?
  3. I used to be fat btw. I was 6 inches shorter than I am now I was 5ft 6 in hs and I weighed 230 lbs. Take it for what it's worth but eating healthy and having a good BMI makes you feel astronomically better.
  4. This is what I was talking about. You all have hopefully plenty of years left in your life. Give a fucking shit about what you put in your body. Stop eating like you want to die tomorrow and you wont feel so shitty. Bla bla but i like x and y. Fuck your x and y. Eating healthy doesnt mean eating food that taste like shit.
  5. i wouldn't touch that sodium filled excuse for a meat even if you payed me.
  6. find my monitor for cheaper and ill cancel the order im waiting
  7. ok MAYBE i troll a bit
  8. They're unfortunately funny at least to me, but it needs to stop this is where i draw the line.
  9. bitch i dont troll anyone i flame people
  10. do you understand the concept that America is morbidly overweight because of most of our eating trends and the contents of our processed food? it has nothing to do with shaming read a damned article on reddit
  11. idc what people do i just think trolling on the internet is fucking dumb and lame
  12. 4 slipknot tickets and a 2k monitor https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01NCTHS6E/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  13. you could also try getting a fucking life too
  14. having a good BMI helps alleviate that. not being rude just tired of overweight people complaining about body aches and pains. do something about it instead of bitchin
  15. weddings are awesome places to take someone home with you.
  16. >make your m8s give you the cash that day >money on the spot for merch/shirts/etc expert planning mode.
  17. Age of S'jet


    i dont touch fast food. chipotle after the gym occasionally, or wawa hoagies. so i guess but doesn't affect me
  18. cattle decapiation
  19. Aight. I'll clarify I like edibles. But edibles from people I grab off of are USUALLY legit from "truck fall off" but with a stupid price - but still a commercial product. Then sometimes its home made shit which always sucks. I just want my perforated dosage cut gummies that come in the lil box with the thc and cbd content on em for a fair price.
  20. Yeah but the first part of his post still had to be typed 🙄
  21. We had one in philly a bunch of years back.
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