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Top Gun

Helper Elf
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Everything posted by Top Gun

  1. When is the heat death of the universe projected for? The day after that.
  2. http://unevenedge.imfapp.in/profile/?area=showposts;u=92
  3. Does it take active effort to make posts this profoundly shitty, or does it just come naturally to you?
  4. Sucks that I'd have to drive several hundred miles in order to see totality. Still not sure if it's worth it for a few minutes' worth of standing around.
  5. ...that voice sounded absolutely nothing like his Japanese actor. Like, I have no idea where you'd get that comparison.
  6. The only reason I know "slant" is an ethnic slur is because of the ASMB word filter.
  7. I am perfectly happy ignoring AO's existence entirely. The real lesson there is that Dai Sato was what made the original series so amazing. Take him out of the picture, and there's nothing left.
  8. Nice Boat
  9. That way lies baaaaad juju.
  10. I think I was almost doing that at one point. Years ago a few of us watched through the whole series up to that point in 3-5 episode chunks per week, and after we'd caught up to Japan we wanted to get a few other people hooked, so we wound up going through it a second time while simultaneously watching the premiere episode every week. At some point in there I was also watching my DVDs and/or FUNi's streams to hear the dub from the beginning. And I started the whole thing out when OG Toonami started airing FUNi's edited dub episodes of Jaya/Skypeia, and then finished out that arc with rips from CN Australia, which continued on from where our version left off (and strangely became less edited as the episodes passed). Then you obviously throw on watching the current Toonami premieres. So yeah...when a franchise is this goddamn huge, it gets messy. Come to think of it, the only part I never managed to see dubbed was that fun G8 filler arc after Skypeia. At some point I still want to dig out my DVDs and go through the whole Sky Island Saga uncut, just to have everything rounded out.
  11. I had to skip to that part of the video just to see what level of bullshit was being peddled, and the entire argument boiled down to "I didn't understand anything that was going on and refused to engage in any level of speculation and connecting pieces so therefore the show sucks." Holy shit he is awful.
  12. Or am I just blind as shit? (These are not mutually-exclusive options.)
  13. Just treat it like actual cash and pay off your full balance each month.
  14. This man knows what's up.
  15. Cars 3 is apparently the price we must pay to finally get The Incredibles 2.
  16. Speaking of anime parodies, the "Mock 5" episode of Dexter's Lab always floored me.
  17. I, um, don't do Vine.
  18. The Hunter x Hunter anime is pretty much permanently finished, barring some miraculous alternate universe where Togashi starts pumping out new chapters. The staff knew going in that they'd have to create a stopping point somewhere, and from everything I've heard they were able to leave off at a pretty good point.
  19. "Whenever they sink an enemy ship, someone yells Worldstar."
  20. What is this "self-esteem" you speak of?
  21. Being offended by fetishes is my fetish.
  22. St. Bloowhere?
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