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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. Could just be that it's like, the most generic name for a church ever. If there were one in particular that were more "famous" for something it would probably show up first on Google.
  2. Can we start with Zeni
  3. I don't think they even do the silver ones anymore.
  4. I prefer cream
  5. He had acid reflux? I've never even really noticed but apparently my back teeth show signs. I'd noticed these small indentations in my teeth and wondered what it was but figured it was fine since I've never had a dentist mention it before.
  6. And also I might have acid reflux Yay
  7. And how many actual dates have you had recently? A girl responding to you on OkCupid does not count as a date. Neither does a girl making eye contact with you on the bus.
  8. Nah it's actually a pretty big deal tbh
  9. Didn't have any friends that could have helped you score some, eh?
  10. If you can call him that.
  11. Yeah, and exercise is bad for you because it makes your body's batteries run out faster...Our president said it so it must be true
  12. Works just fine for me. I guess I have had a couple times where the audio will work but the video is just a black screen, but it works if I just restart Chrome. I use ABP and uBlock Origin so maybe uBlock is actually the one blocking ads?
  13. AdBlock Plus blocks ads on YouTube. I don't watch YouTube on mobile often enough to care about ads there.
  14. 180 "plus" and you're 5'6". So you're obese.
  15. Idk what state you're in but I know in my state they already took taxes out of my unemployment. I found the form (I think it was a 1099 not a W2) online and got $72 back when I filed it. So if your state is the same way then no, they won't care but you'll just be screwing yourself out of money.
  16. Hunting helps stop overpopulation. If nobody hunted deer they'd breed themselves to starvation.
  17. Do it when there are lots of big, strong looking men around and looking at you. That way they can physically stop you from leaving until the police arrive or just take care of you themselves after you assault a woman see just how alpha you are.
  18. http://www.grubstreet.com/2018/01/shoplifting-amazon-go-grocery-store.html
  19. She wants to have a threesome with you and her other boyfriend
  20. His reference still works even if we don't know who D West is "Zeni is to UEMB as D West was to Maury" No one knows or cares who D West unless they watch Maury on a regular basis. Just like no one outside of this board knows or cares who ZeniGundam is. Also, Zeni, how often are you able to watch Maury that you know who this person is? Shouldn't you be at work when it's on?
  21. If they violate your rights don't they deserve it? So when the cops knock on your door or come to your workplace to bring you in for that warrant you'll just go without a fight?
  22. Please test this one out. Preferably on a cop or some other authority figure.
  23. Technically the individual drivers could deny you service because they don't like the color of your shirt. The driver could get their account suspended if the customer complains but Zeni would probably just end up insulting the Customer Service rep and get himself suspended. That's assuming he's not too beta to even call them in the first place.
  24. There was a news article about how more adults than children have died from eating Tide Pods. It became a meme with people joking about wanting to eat Tide Pods. Some people didn't get that it was a joke and actually started eating them because teenagers are dumb. Up until now it was mostly adults with dementia or developmental disabilities that were eating them because they genuinely didn't understand that it wasn't candy.
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