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All Might's Wife
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Everything posted by EmpressAngel

  1. That's just how Jotaro wears hats. His black one did the same thing. Nah, Josuke probably would have died from the stand illness too. Man, that whole speech Suzie had a couple weeks ago about how Joseph had never disappointed her in 50 years together is kinda really sad now that we know he's a whore.
  2. FIRE DILF WHEN? I want him to transfer into class just so he and Aizawa can yell at each other to get some sleep.
  3. Wait, you're telling me this guy is a hot DILF with fire powers? That's even better than a regular hot dude with fire powers! I'd like to hear more. That's how you know he's Joseph's son.
  4. Yes. Actually, these two episodes just make me hate every other second of the show even more, because now I've seen that it could actually be a decent series if it wanted.
  5. Avdol is perfectly fine, he's absent because he's busy taking care of our multiple adorable children shut up just let me dream. Hero- SHOW ME MORE OF THAT FIRE DUDE. That suit looks so sad when he's not buff. Oh Deku, you adorable buzzkill. Explode them, Bakugo. This boy looks even more tired than Aizawa. Well shit, they might get kicked out again. He's so loud. God Bakugo why are you such a bastard. On the bright side, Mineta's probably more likely to get kicked out than Deku. FROG. I love most of these kids so much. Don't make your cute mom worry. RATINGS. I like the All Might masks. Who's Endeavor and which one's his kid? Hiii Mt Lady! Oh hey Icy Hot. Damn kid what crawled up your ass today? LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE. Hi, random kids I don't really care about. HELLOOOO MIDNIGHT. Aw fuck don't let Bakugo speak. Bakugo, confirmed for fucking worst. God I'm gay for Midnight. Good luck kids I believe in you. Aizawa is suffering. Icy Hot name is canon. How'd this dude get people to carry him. Shit even Mineta figured out a workaround. And then Mineta died. ROBOTS. Oh is Icy Hot the pro's kid? Kid I think if you get everyone else killed they won't let you be a hero. MAMA MIDORIA IS SO CUTE. Present Mic would be kinda cute without the weird hairstyle and that dorkass mustache. Titan- I genuinely don't remember anything about last season except for the lesbians. Okay the first OP for this show was definitely the best. I love potato girl. Levi will kill you if you don't clean the house. Hi there, best character. Levi is going to kill them. Glasses girl is also good. Owwww his face. Wait I thought that girl skipped town with the lesbian titan. Just fill the hole, hole filler. No he sucks and should beat himself up. Fuck you, Sasquatch. Fight for your girlfriend. Eren knows that people are never that nice to him. RIP douche. Yeah that's not shady as fuck or anything. I enjoy you, glasses girl. Levi gives zero shits about this. Whelp, you're screwed. IT'S HIGH NOON. That seems suspiciously nice of the king. Great job, you dumb shits. Did they really do the "Jean dresses as Eren" thing again. I'm uncomfortable with this. Uhhh y'all might wanna get in there before Armin gets raped. Mikasa gets to be so cool when Eren's not around. Levi is never very pleased about anything, it's like you don't know him at all. Well that sounds ominous. Girl you really think Levi's capable of mamking jokes? Sorry but I will never feel threatened by someone named Kenny. I hope y'all like IT'S HIGH NOON jokes because this guy is gonna bring a lot of them. PTE- Bacon no that's cannibalism! I continue to love how angry that little orange one is. The lemon. Not the Bamboozle gang! STOP YOUTUBING. It took me a stupidly long time to get the joke about them being bamboo. And then she died. That's how I hope my funeral picture looks. What an ending. Shitty edgelord keychain. Bangs are indeed a bitch to cut. YEEEEEEAHHHH. This music video is still better than most of the ones Toonami interrupts the block for. Trees are so stupid. JYB is definitely the MVP this week. Jojo- Tonight is bacon night I guess. Oh, that's terrifying. Hey there, old Jotaro. I like that he looks younger than he did at 17. BIZARRE friends, you say? Wow this kid is short. Kick their asses, Jotaro. DICKFACE. Well this boy is adorable. TURTLE NO. The series takes a quick break from murdering dogs. Oh hey new Jojo. Ohhh you should not have insulted his hair. Cool stand bro. Yay he saved the turtle. Y'all done fucked up here. I love him already. JOSEPH YOU WHORE. I mean I know he's hot as shit for a grandpa and so I can't blame Josuke's mom, but Joseph should have known better. Beat his ass, Suzi. Awww Josuke you didn't do anything. Josuke inherited the Joestar fangirl summoning powers. This is gonna be a fun fight. Star Platinum doesn't fuck around. Haaaa he has his own ORA. Oh fuck you messed up his hat. Jotaro still hates bitches. "He's kinda scary, but in a hot way" indeed. I'm guessing the evil is whoever's responsible for that severed hand. You guys are gonna miss your first day of school. I think "family drama" is an understatement, Koichi. Thank god he didn't hit your beautiful face. Dang his mom is hot, I can understand Joseph ruining his marriage. Haaa, the cop is her dad. And now shit will hit the fan. Oh well he sounds like a fucking delight. Josuke is such a good kid. Whelp that's a dead body in the woods. AWW SHIT YOU FUCKED UP. And then he turned them into Kakyoin. It's okay they're fine. KNIFE IN THE GUT. Well shit that's a stand alright. Watch out for clowns in that sewer. Oh hell no you stay away from his hot mom. Hunter- Just let this poor kid sleep. Turtle Mewtwo is being surprisingly decent and that concerns me. Calm down you dramatic goddamn bitch. Hi Knuckle I think it's time to take your shirt off. You better not screw us over, Karma Chameleon. Well shit I hope Palm's okay. Guys maybe you should let Gon talk. Fuck you and your endearing cat puns that I can't bring myself to hate. I love this little girl constantly kicking his ass at a board game. Good luck pipe guy I hope you don't die. Oh crap this is where my curse kicks in and punches Knuckle right through the shirtless chest isn't it. KICK HIS ASS, LITTLE GIRL. Oh fuck what's going on. Aw crap is that nen they're gonna eat her. Oh hey she has a name. Dude just spiraled into an existential crisis. Just give him a damn name already. No his top priority is to beat this small child at checkers. Oh my god shut up you whiny bastard. Aw fuck he powered up. Yeah, a simple board game that you can't fucking win, you dumbass. What is with this bird? Oh honey that's so sad let me hug you. Clover- Maybe I'll be lucky enough to get two bearable episodes in a row. It's nice that Cap'n Sexy's fine but I wish Asta died. No let him try I want to watch him die. It's such a weird change of pace to not loathe every second of this show. Why couldn't the entire series just be Yami fighting and giving no shits? It's almost sad to see how decent this show could have been if Asta wasn't here. Please kill him so I can get back to the only hot man this godforsaken show will give me. WHY CAN'T THE SHOW JUST BE THIS ALL THE TIME. Goddamn he's cool. Okay that "just gonna jam this baby into your chest area" line actually made me smile. Aw fuck he has to die nown because this series is actively trying to make me hate it. I relate strongly with that Future Yami plan. Oh hey, decent nun's still alive. Why is sister fucker still allowed to exist. Okay Yami use Asta and the sister fucker as shields to protect your sweet buff arms. I aspire to give as few fucks as Yami does. Are you shitting me he beat him with a goddamn mirror. Whelp so much for the tolerable part of the show. Y'know what I actually hate this show even more now after these two episodes; all this time I thought it was incompetent but it turns out it was capable of being a decent series all along and just chooses to be garbage. Naruto- Just fuck off already, Sasuke. Kakashi just step aside and let all three of them kill each other. HE'S NOT YOUR FRIEND, YOU DUMB SHITS. Seriously why has anyone ever liked Sasuke? Too late, I already wish I hadn't seen everything in this show. Hey remember when he gutted you like a fish like 10 minutes ago in-story? You care because you're a dumb bitch with low standards. No shit he's gonna kill Sasuke, that's been the fucking plan this whole time. Oh god what the hell now. We're getting Bort next month so I already know they live but man I can hope they kil each other. Don't worry I stil hate you enough for the entire village. Man, this show really knows how to abuse that flashback button. Here's our protagonist, genuinely happy to hear that his classmate's entire family was slaughtered.
  6. A gift from Josuke, Dio and Avdol's voices.
  7. You had me at Dad Might. Hero- Oh cool, world building. God I love Buff Might. Tiny Deku continues to be the cutest thing I've ever seen. Now if only you could use your powers without breaking all your limbs. This OP needs more hot teachers than it's giving me. League of Villains is still a stupid name. Hi boyfriend who are you talking to? Oh hey, All Might has a real name and that fact never occurred to me before. Fuck you, hand guy. Principal Mouse is precious and I want to hug him. What you're telling me is hand boy is a whiny bitch boy and I'm righ to hate him. Well hey, taking down 72 viallins is still a pretty good day. I love his mom. Hey now, you kept Aizawa's face from breaking even harder and I appreciate that. Poor invisible girl. I love all these kids except Bakugo. Aizawa should probably have just taken the day off and got some sleep. Worse than villains, gym class. I'm with grape boy here, maybe you should focus on your students not getting killed. It's just bigger than the olympics, no pressure or anything. Damn that's harsh. HOLD THE GODDAMN PHONE was that a hot dude with fire powers in that pro hero montage because everyone knows that is my fetish. Invisible girl is so cute. Iida's little dance. Calm down there Ochako. Frog. Oh, she's Nami. AWWWWWW TINY CHAKO. I love All Might so much. Hey there, Icy Hot. Aw shit that's not good. Poor boyfriend. He's so sweet he couldn't even kill a villain. Put me to bed before you lose buff mode. Jesus boyfriend, that's not a shitload of pressure or anything. Aww that's cute the ED is all the girls. PTE- Haters gonna hate. Hellshake Yano time. These unnamed dudes flipping pages are the real MVP here. Wasn't this an episode of Dandy? I like the wave. That was incredible. You saved me from that bitch! And then she wes a baby. I goddamn love the cooking segment. MANATEE NO. Owwwww god that hurt. BD version. Nice seaweed hat. And then Pokemon. That's how I am with video games too. Jojo- Fuck you, Dio. Oh hell no Joseph you get your hot spirit ass back in that fucking body. Stop killing the men I love, you asshole! Jotaro you idioit. Oh fucking sweet we get SOUND EFFECTS. Aw fuck he can freeze time longer now. Yeah you've been immortal for 100 years b ut you spent 96 of them in a box underwater. Okay that weird little giggle is making me laugh. Whelp we're fucked, better hope Joseph was sleeping around a couple decades ago. FIST THAT MAN, JOTARO. What in the fuck he just dropped a goddamn steamroller on him. Where did he even get that fucking thing? Aw fuck we're doomed. EAT SHIT, DIO. I don't really understand what's going on but I'm glad to see Dio fail. ARE YA FEELIN IT NOW, MR KRABS? Ouch right in the leg. IT'S HIGH NOON. That sure is some big talk about how humans suck considering he stole another dude's dick and couldn't master that body after 100 years. Fuck you, Dio. Aw shit Splats broke. What the fuck he gets hit in the leg and fucking explodes. God Jotaro is so cool. Y'all should probably set his body on fire. I'm disappointed that Polnareff survived out of all of them. Yeah that's a great idea turn Joseph into a sexy vampire. You fools think that Jotaro can't restart somebody's heart? Aw shit he took over grandpa. I goddamn love you Joseph. I missed sharing a birthday with Joseph by five days and that's disappointing. Brink of death nothing that man was stone cold dead. Eat shit, Dio. Avdol. If Polnareff's not gonna take you up on the offer, you can adopt me instead Joseph. Awwww, manly hugging. HOLLY'S ALRIGHT. Jotaro you stupid bastard why would you get on another plane with Joseph. Oh you just had to slip that picture in and break my heart one last time, show. Hunter- Surf cat. Hope you can swim good, dude. Nice boat. Whelp, you're gonna die. Not the harpoon! Now beat the shit out of him with that pipe. I don't think your friend came out ahead in that fight. Uh lion dude won't you need to breathe too? This is clearly not a trap for you. Eat shit, lion douche. I think you're just having a heart attack. Dude's just chilling on the floor. Okay that is some crazy amazing lung power you got there. And nothing of value was lost. Oh god Palm that's just gross. Good luck with not dying here. Meanwhile, my son is alive! Thanks, octosquid. That's a lot of money. Awww Gon's so happy. Hi Knuckle, please don't die! Oh my god snap out of it you little baby bitch. Jesus Killua have you been training with All Might. Aww, they're friends this is cute. AWWWWWW THIS IS SO SWEET. I'm surprised how many of these monsters are decent people. Clover- How is this arc still not over. Shut the fuck up, sister fucker. So this dude is definitely just dimestore Griffith without his mask, right? Whine harder, douche. I do like seeing Asta in pain. Hey there Captain Sexy. Oh good he's still drunk as fuck. Kill them all, only attractive man in this show. Hell no you shut the fuck up and let the only decent person do this fight. I enjoy him not giving a shit about any of this. Stop talking I just want to see the buff guy flex. Yami is by far the most teolerable character in this show. Aw fuck he has to die now because I didn't hate him. How's that feel, douchebag? Yes send Asta in to fight, I want to watch him die. Goddamn asshole used a full restore. I enjoy you, ripoff Zoro Forget his neck tell me what else is thick. I also don't mind if you hurt Asta a bit, in fact I prefer it. Just let the dumb bastard die. Aw crap he didn't die. Oh shut the hell up already. At least Yami's having fun. Eat a dick, light douche. Well I'll be fucked, Black Clover actually managed to give me an episode that I didn't hate with ever fiber of my being. Naruto- Sleepy dog is cute. Kill her, Sasuke. Kill her, Sakura. Yeah, go ahead and be the replacement for the girl he just mortally wounded. If either of them kill each other I'd be okay with that. Fuck you, Sasuke. Why does anyone find Sasuke worth their energy? Kick his ass, Kakashi. God this kid is just fucking insufferable. Everyone point and laugh at this stupid blind idiot. Jesus christ you dumb bitch. Oh great, more flashbacks I don't give a shit about. Oh, did it finally snap out of flashback for the last ten seconds?
  8. So hey was that a hot dude with fire powers they showed in that pro hero montage because jesus christ that is right up my alley. 😍😍😍
  9. If I'm gonna have a death wish I'd might as well enjoy it. 👍
  10. I am HERE for a bonus night of Boyfriend Might. God that shirt is just painted on 😍
  11. Jesus, has it really been a year already? I never interacted with Luuv outside of a few discipline issues, but I'm eternally grateful for all the effort he put in on the original boards, the garbage fire that was the revamped ones, and this unofficial replacement. Thanks for everything, my dude.
  12. I'm sorry to hear that. Here's a wife for sympathy.
  13. You can have as many waifus and/or husbandos that you have room for in your heart. Which is why I'm now angling for that Eraser Might threeway that will absolutely kill me. #liveyourdreams
  14. Hero- I could watch him do the ORA ORA thing for hours. Please don't kill my boyfriend, show. Now would be a great time for the other teachers to show up. Oh shit don't kill these kids I like them. God he's doing things for me. KEEP IT UP BABY I BELIEVE IN YOU. I like that Hexxus calls hand boy by his full name. Aw fuck this is going wrong. DON'T KILL HIM I LOVE HIM. Save Dad Might, Aw fuck he broke his legs again. GODDAMMIT NO. Oh thank god, guns solve everything. Jesus y'all cut that shit close. Iida brought a cowboy and a super hot lady. OH YEEEEAH. Oh shit I guess that's why he's the school announcer. Eat lead, fucker. Oh hey thanks space friend. If you touch All Might I will shoot you in the dick myself. Now get everyone some medical attention. All Might is the best dad. The principal is adorable. Thanks, Block Man. Cement Man is the best hero. Speaking of dead I hope somebody got Aizawa some medical attention. Fuck you, hand boy. I already hate these secret guys. Hexxus has good taste in suits. Oh fuck you leave Deku alone. What the fuck symbol is he supposed to be, a hand fetish? Tap that invisible ass, furry boy. This fabulous kid is great. Good lord Aizawa's face can take a real pounding and I respect that. I trust that cat. God I'm gay. Aw fuck the ORA didn't work. Poor boyfriend. If Aizawa survives I've got about 23 hours of free time now, he can call me. Aww yay he's got a friend. ALL MIGHT IS BEST DAD. PTE- I tend to zone out and think about hot dudes too, no shame in that. And then it was HxH. Quite the jam, fam. Billion Quadrillion is a name right out of Gundam. Damn robots. ORAORAORAORAORAORA. YAS QUEEN. Your glowstick is haunted. Best cooking show. TOO MUCH SUGAR. I feel that way getting ready for work every day. Jojo- ORAORAORAORAORAORA. Oh hey the OP's changed. I appreciate this just so I can get one last look at Avdol. This crazy bastard fucked up the OP! Fuck you and your stupid pants, Dio. Oh shit did he just move? Can Splat stop time now? This is a realy long five seconds. I'm not even gonna question why they're flying it's just Jojo. I mean he's a vampire it's not like bullets would have hurt him anyway. Oh hey Enya. I'm uncomfortable with how much I enjoy Dio showing off his tits. Flip him off while you're frozen. Jotaro that was a great idea but you're going to die. Our only hope now is that Joseph's a whore and knocked up some other lady. EAT SHIT, DIO. Uhh your leg is gone. Lady you probably shouldn't get close to him. SWEETHEART. You may only get a second to move but that's enough time for one good punch to the dick. And now he has knives. Oh damn that's a lot of knives. Well Star you put up a good fight. Jotaro does not give a fuck. Why is Dio such a bastard and why would I still hit it. Oh fuck Jotaro you're gonna need your head. Oh hey Polnareff is in this show. Polnareff you stupid bastard. I'm okay with Polnareff being sacrificed to save Jotaro's hot mom. Cops are just goddamn useless in this show. Wow he can take a bullet with no reaction. Jesus christ Jotaro just stop. NO SHIT IT HURTS YOU STOPPED YOUR HEART. Fuck you Dio. Ohhhh right in the brain. Set him on fire for Avdol. Oh what the hell now. Dio what the fuck. He's in the fucking manhole. Now this is a satisfying ORAORA to watch. Oh shit what did you do. JOSEPH NO. Hunter- This night owes me shirtless Knuckle to make up for All Might losing more time and Joseph losing all that blood. You probably should have kept that shrub costume on a bit longer. What the FUCK is that. Oh, that's terrifying. I got a bad feeling about this, buddy. This is definitely going too well, he's about to die. Aaaand you're fucked. I would have already pissed myself by then. Dude no just wipe your shoes off don't go barefoot. Yeah you should probably just quit while you're ahead. Smash him in the face with your pipe. Meanwhile, truck full of whores. I'm uncomfortable with this douche. Oh great, it's a sububs-themed sex dungeon. I like the tall one with the big rack. Why is this entire arc designed to make me cringe. Good luck, you creepy bitch. Gee buddy maybe you should have kept your damn shoes on. There there, you blubbering goddamn pansy. Aww, he does care. My skin is fucking crawling. HIT HIM WITH THE PIPE. Of course you're an atheist, no loving god would allow you fuckers to exist. Oh, they can bond over music. Clover- I fucking hate this show. This nun lady is the best character with her giant fire cheeta. Just kill this bitch already. I hope sister fucker dies painfully. God what a creepy piece of shit. I don't give a fuck about his tragic backstory I just want him to die. THANK YOU, LOLI SISTER. Meanwhile the dipshit is still screaming. Haaaaaate hate hate hatey hate hate. No let him fight and get himself killed. Your kid sister is never going to fuck you, dude. I do enjoy seeing him in pain. Goddamn power of friendship again, I'm so tired. Heeey Cap'n Sexy. Yami this is your fault for not just murdering him immediately. We're really doing the friendship power here, jesus christ. Every time I watch this show I feel the icy grip of death coming closer. MOTHER OF FUCK HE'S GOT A GODDAMN SHARINGAN. That's so many Astas I'm going to cry. Why does every character in this show need an unnecessary tragic backstory? Oh fucking god what the hell now. She might be dead but at least she doesn't have to be in this show anymore. Naruto- Fuck you, Sasuke. YOU WEREN'T EVEN FRIENDS. Our protagonist, secretly being happy at another kid losing his entire family. I don't fucking care, show. You know instead of spending this entire write-up repeating how much I hate Sasuke I'm just gonna share this instead.
  15. Jesus, Aizawa's face can take a real pounding and I respect that. ....If he makes it through that it looks like I've got 23 hours without All Might now so he can call me.
  16. Hero- Please don't kill my boyfriend, show. Aizawa might be dead but that's not my fault. Yesss rip off that hideous suit. All Might is pissed and dam if I'm not into that. Eat shit, hand guy. AIM FOR HIS BALLS, BOYFRIEND. Smash me you strong mother fucker. I enjoy ball kid. Ohhhh no you just jinxed him. I just lost Avdol I can't watch another boyfriend die! FUUUUUCK. This is an unfair fight. I will kill these guys myself. I love my son. Thanks Bakugo, you unlikable bitch. ICY HOT TO THE RESCUE. And also that other kid whose powers I don't actually know but still appreciate. Meanwhile y'all need to get that man to a hospital now. Oh hey, space lady's alive too. Bakugo not being a stupid bastard, it's a Christmas miracle. Aw fuck that thing's still alive. Use Bakugo as a shield! BOYFRIEND NO HE'S NOT WORTH IT. God look at those arms they're probably bigger than my waist. Shut up, hand douche. Hey that's okay, some dudes only need a minute to get the job done. Try aiming for his nasty exposed brain. This is going to break me when he dies. His shirt is not getting shredded enough. Those other teachers sure are taking their sweet fucking time getting there. Now get him to the hospital immediately. If he survives this he can destroy me. I'll give him 300 blows alright! Watching this show is just equal parts existential dread that I'm about to watch another boyfriend die and filthy comments in response to innocent phrases. PTE- Aw crap we wandered into another anime. Oh god they're the parents. Girl the sibling thing has never stopped any charactere in an anime before. Puppet shows and Gundam dancing. And then he died. Oh no they're the twins now. I would watch an entire cooking show with them. Don't trust that owl. What in the fuck. That's not an overreaction, having the hiccups is just that annoying. That was a great M**key M**se impression. Bye bunny. The Marilyn Monroe bit is even better with the dudes. Jojo- Oh shit the shades are off, Kakyoin's serious. Joseph is Spiderman tonight. Well that's depressing. I MISS THEM TOO. Random naked Holly. Man, this flashback focus really isn't boding well for him. EAT SHIT, DIO. Oh shit you messed up his cape. I'm glad Kakyoin is here to be the smart guy while Avdol's out getting pizza. What the fuck just happened. Ohhh that can't be good. This is a fucking depressing inner monologue. He's hunting milfs in heaven now. At least Kakyoin got to have a sad flashback and dying analysis, Avdol just got fucking eaten. Fuck you Dio. Hey Dio remember when Erina punched you in the face because I bet you're still salty about that. He could have just written it on his arm like he did with the baby stand. Am I a bad person for being a little relieved that at least Avdol wasn't the only dude who died? Spider-Joseph is way too much fun for this situation. Aw FUCK that is some overpowered shit. Oh man I didn't notice that he got a hole punched straight through him. I wonder what they told Kakyoin's parents? Damn grandpa open that shirt more. Damn Dio can get a lot done in four seconds. These bystanders are all going to die. Oh hey Jotaro you should probably run. Whelp, you're fucked. RIP cat. Really emphasizing that buldge there, animators. NO NOT JOSEPH TOO HE'S ALL I HAVE LEFT. It took 50 years but my curse finally hit joseph. You fabulous bitch. Jotaro why are you wearing such expensive pants to a fight?! Hunter- You should probably feel a little ashamed that you're getting your ass kicked so hard by this kid. Don't fall for this it's a trick. Oh you dick. Jesus girl what the fuck games are you playing? This is just depressing kid night all around, huh? Someone hug this poor kid. I am uncomfortable watching him laugh. What the hell. Well if you were looking for a way to frazzle her, you fucking found it. This girl is so sweet oh my god. The catastrophe is that he's losing at a children's board game. Wow that nurse is terrifying. I AM THE NIGHT. Oh no stop doing the Naruto run. He's a bush. Dude put some leaves on your ass too. Oh hey, I'm surprised the leader's still alive. Nice eyebrows, loser. Thanks for all that info I won't remember, narrator. Y'know buddy I'm sure the chain smoking isn't helping. Of course what he really needed was some whores. Sinkerbelle would be a great name for a battleship. Man, Palm really cleans up well. Clover- They're probably all drunk like I desperately wish I was right now. Yeah I'm sure the lesbian squad will let you in. This is the most tolerable they'v ever been. Hey there Cap'n Sexy. Why are none of you dead already? Calm your shit, nobody else wants to fuck your child sister. Great, now you've got a cave full of annoying crying chidlren. I want sister fucker to die painfuly. Give up on the nun fetish, you dipshit. Oh great, this bitch is back. Oh hey, does Yami finally get to do something? Kick her ass, nun. I enjoy seeing Asta in pain. Thank god nun lady is the single tolerable person in this arc. And then he was the Hulk. Again I ask, are we seriously supposed to enjoy this sack of shit who wants to fuck his baby sister? Naruto- Yeah that guy with 20 magic eyes and a tree wizard growing out of his arm couldn't beat Sasuke but I'm sure your dumb ass can really get the job done. Good job Sai, actually being a voice of reason that they are not going to listen to at all. Just let her get herself killed. NOBODY GIVES A SHIT, SAKURA. Sasuke give him a cheeseburger once when they were 12 and from that moment on Naruto was hopelessly in love with him. Were their voices always this fucking annoying back then or did they make them sound worse for the flashback? This is painful to watch. Is the entire episode just gonna be Sakura whining for 30 goddamn minutes? Oh hey, halfway through the episode and someting is finally happening. CAW. No, let him go on a self-destructive rampage and get himself killed. Huh, bitch is still alive. Wow, I care even less about her flashback than I did about Sakura's. That's not how glasses work show, your vision doesn't graduallly unblur after several seconds it pretty much just gets clear instantly. Maybe I'll luck out and he'll kill both thirsty idiots at once.
  17. It took 50 years, but my boyfriend curse finally hit Joseph in full force. Just gonna leave this here:
  18. The good thing about Jojo is that if you like the general concept of stands, there's probably at least one part that will appeal to you. Didn't like the world-traveling quest to kick a sexy vampire's ass? How about a small town cat-and-mouse murder mystery? Or Italian Mafia wars? Or a prison break? Or a wild west horse race? Or....whatever the hell part 8 is about, literally nobody knows what's going on?
  19. I think the show being called Jojo's Bizarre Adventure already made that pretty clear long before now.
  20. Hero- "EAT MY STICKY BALLS" is never gonna get old. I love Tsu. I'm proud of you, Icy Hot. Goddamn he does not fuck around. All of these kids are great and I love them. Man, Ball Boy is gonna be disappointed he missed the titties. I am surprised and impressed at Aizawa's skills. GODDAMN HANDS. What the fuck IS that hand guy's power? Oh fuuuuuuck. You go, space lady. Hexxus can fuck off. Oh this could be going better. MIGI SMASH. Ohhhh this is bad. Aizawa might be dead. It's a nice change of pace to see Bakugo actually being useful instead of an unlikable bastard. Oh nope, I spoke too soon on that. He just killed that guy from HxH. Good job furry boy. EAT SHIT, HEXXUS. Run faster, Iida! Jesus, show. I'd like to get off this ride now. Can't blame Ball Boy for trying. I am concerned. If you touch that frog I'll kill you myself. Well now he's dead for real. Deku is my role model. OH FUUUUUUUUUCK. This is definitely not a good thing. OH THANK GOD IT'S BOYFRIEND. Oh wait shit this is where he's gonna die isn't it. I just lost Avdol I can't watch another one die so soon! PTE- Don't bring logic into this show, random man. Awww puppy. And then it was Mario Kart. PENGUINS NO. What in the hell. SHE'S A ROBOT! Oh god the random Top Gun. I always fucking hated that mine cart level in Donky Kong. The music videos in this show are so much better than the ones Toonami constantly forces on us. This is a great song. That is not a cat and I'm uncomfortable. I like that the little one's main trait is anger issues. Jojo- Sorry Polnareff, you ran out of friends to die for you. Dio is going to fuck you now whether you like it or not. He's just trolling you now. He has a fog machine behind him. Dio you look like you pulled that track suit out of the dumpster behind a Cairo thrift store and cut the crotch out of it. Dude, Avdol had to jump out a window to avoid getting fucked by Dio; you are not gonna win here. MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA. Oh thank god Joseph, console me. Nothing you can say would be hard to believe at this point. Losing both Avdol and Iggy for Polnareff was the worst fucking trade. Thanks, dude in the bag. Every bad thing that's happened in the past hundred years is Dio's fault. Kakyoin looks cool with his shades. Well that's different. I guess his stand is teleporting? Polnareff you stupid fuck. Y'all know you can't fly right? There's no comment I could make about shoving things up Joseph's ass. I bet Avdol could have figured out his stand in time but HE HAD TO DIE AGAIN. I love how many problems are solved by Joseph being filthy rich. Oh great he added a cape made from an old curtain to that terrible outfit. Oh no stay away from Polnareff everyone who helps him dies. God what is with the clothing choices in this show. WILSON PHILLIPS, NO. Dio you fabulous bitch. Senator Wilson Phillips is losing his goddamn mind. Seitz is really nailing the whole fabulous bitch mood here. I don't think that's gonna hurt a super vampire, buddy. You might wanna dodge that. Uhhh Kakyoin your face is bleeding. He threw the fucking senator at them. Protect Joseph, he's all I have left. Hunter- That is entirely too many human snacks. Dang that dude's got some speed. That's a really useful power. Fuck off Thundercat let he man sleep. Wow he's annoying. Kick his ass, little girl. Oh hey, turtle Mewtwo finally gives the small child a damn challenge. Eat shit, king dick. Wait, how old is this kid if she was making up new moves a decade ago? Someone please hug this little girl. Get that dude some Ritalin already. Suck it, you dumbass cat. And that's why smoking is cool, kids! Oh come on that is some bullshit. Dumb bastard fell for the shadow clone jutsu. Wow you are just awful as shit aren't you. Okay the lobster one just makes me laugh. That's a cool power. The other cat guy looks like Jack Black's fursona. I think that's called friendshop. Clover- I hate you all. You gotta stab the snow. Why is the sister fucker allowed to goddamn exist? This isn't fun to watch, show. Why does anyone like Asta? Somebody's definitely about to get molested. Yes, think of that mirror as your big brother and keep it under your clothes. At least if that kid dies he doesn't have to be in this show anymore. Make the disgusting sister fucker repair the wall he broke. Oh great it's that obnoxious douche. Christ this dude is just fucking awful. I hope he dies painfully. Hitting kids with a sword works great. This old nun actually manages to be a decent character. I would feel safer bleeding out in front of Dio than sticking with Asta. Sorry snow dude, you can't beat a man's sickening boner for his toddler sister. Nothing gives you the element of surprise like BARGING IN AND SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF YOUR FUCKING LUNGS. Every moment I have to watch this guy and he isn't being stabbed makes me hate the universe. Every minute of this arc makes me feel unclean. Naruto- Please let them kill each other already. Man for trained ninjas these people seem to fall for basic illusion tricks at an alarming rate. Thanks for wasting several minutes explaining the tactic that we just saw and had already figured out. Oh what the fuck now. I wish I didn't have to watch this bitch have an orgasm every time she heals him. Uhhh dude you got a tree growing out of you. Just let him kill her. Ohh girl he is gonna stab you with that lightsaber to get to him. And nothing of value was lost. Did his sharingan change eyes or have I just not been paying attention? Yes Sasuke's a terrible person, this fact shouldn't surprise you at all after spending two minutes with him. Yeah just limp away like a little bitch. Oh hey he was kind of hot back in the day. Why are you showing me all these flashbacks I don't care about? Oh my god just die already. I'm sure this would be a very emotional scene if he wasn't such a crusty old bag of dicks.
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