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All Might's Wife
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Everything posted by EmpressAngel

  1. That moment at the end of Return of the Jedi where Luke looks over and sees all the Force ghosts but the updated edition went in and slapped Hayden Christensen over actual Anakin. Lucas can fucking blow me for that.
  2. Does a series look interesting? Then watch it. Who gives a shit if it's anime or not?
  3. Hero- I'm so proud of my green son. That picture of All Might being carried by normal people cracks me up. God I'm gay for Midnight. Hiiii Mt Lady. Bakugo you bastard. I enjoy that he's the only one who can make friends with Bakugo. Go away Mineta. Poor Deku. Awww yay thank you Ochaco. Goddammmit Iida I trusted you. I just noticed that Iida's the only one who wears shorts. Oh hey, Titan girl. I enjoy her. Oh sweet, she's got a jet pack. I hope you picked somebody good for your fourth person. This boy seems like a real douche. Aizawa, continuing to suffer. Oh cool, he picked Bird Friend. Icy Hot has a solid plan. HELLOOOOOO FIRE DILF. The plan is to use the Joestar secret technique. Use the jet pack! His shadow thing is so cool. Sorry invisible girl. Goddammit Mineta. Oh no the cool shoes. Aw crap here comes Bakugo. BIRD NO. Let's all point and laugh at Bakugo. Ohhh damn these kids had a plan all along. Bakugo's about to have a goddamn stroke. Hey Icy Hot, I'm gonna fuck your dad. Titan- Sad backstory, go. Sounds like being a whore was a great career move for her. Give that girl a hug. Oh, that's unfortunate. This just keeps getting more tragic. How much worse can this get? Jesus this is awful. Oh, is that Cowboy Kenny? This guy sucks at making up names. Oh right, Eren's here. I got a real bad feeling about your dad, sweetie. Hange happened to his face. Good job you dumbass. I enjoy her. FUCK THIS TABLE. Levi, continuing to give no shits. Well that's horrifying. Oh hey, it's that old dude. I sure hope y'all aren't being spied on or anything. Grandpa here is surprisingly chill with this whole mutiny business. That sure is a lot of blood. You're banking a lot on the hope that the dude you tortured the shit out of wasn't just lying to you. That's probably not a good thing. Eh, I'm sure he'll be fine. This is sure getting shittier by the minute. Maybe you guys should take off those scout uniforms if you're trying to hide. You're a good due, Erwin. Oh shit. I like that Levi is just super chill about this whole thing. FLCL- I don't remember anything that happened in April so this is basically all new to me. Kana's so cute. I relate to this fat one chugging Dr Pepper. Hi there, surprise Seitz? Good luck breaking your record on most losses. Shit I'm an adult and I still don't know what I want to do when I grow up. I like this girl's plans to be a gold digger. We all want to be Sailor Moon. She works at Ramen Denny's. Fuck you lady I wanna go to space. Hey there Haruko. Haruko's checking out that forehead space. i feel like I missed out for never having a lesbian Jenga club in high school. LESBIAN ROCKET CLUB, GO. The most apathetic yaaay. Haruko's just gonna keep trying until she lands her space man. Diabetes doesn't wait for anyone. These girls are great and I love them. I like the one taking panty shots of her friend. I don't think you're going to space today. RIP rocket. Y'all should probably run. And now you're being attacked by the Rocky Horror intro. Thanks, Haruko. Quick, somebody get this lady a guitar. SO HARD. Dr Pepper solves all problems. Oh that's a big ol' bastard there. Yeah sure, Galactic Police, that makes sense. GUITAR TIME. That was awesome. Oh good they made another rocket. I love these kids. This is gonna be fun. PTE- Horse. Shit manga stench. Thank you, Slacker God. That sounds like a tasty and inexpensive recipe. Steak is serious business. I don't know anything about soccer but this seems like a normal game. Bear traps are usually a bad idea. This is the closest thing you get to fanservice, enjoy it. Random hillbilly accent. They're the best detectives. MURDER. Cue the ominous lightning. Pipimi is the best whorehouse owner. SLAP. Well that was an easy mystery. You're getting killed next. One truth prevails, probably. Jojo- Did you say Egypt? Fuck you, rock guy. Oh that can't be a good thing. Is...is that Polnareff? God that looks like it hurts. Dio, fucking shit up even from beyond the grave. Kill him, Josuke. OH SHIT HE SAID THE HAIR THING. Man, Josuke really does not fuck around. Worst of all, he got your hot as fuck Egyptian friend killed. Koichi's a good friend. Oh no something's up. OH NO KOICHI. Hi there, new douche. Hiiiii Josuke's hot mom. Awww, she still misses Joseph. Get a good look at him, milf. Aww Jotaro, that's sweet to comfort her. I miss Avdol. Meanwhile, Koichi's dying. OH FUCK THEY SHOT KOICHI. Heal him, Josuke. At least he gets a cool stand. PUNCH. Don't insult your brother, bro. Dude just wait like 20 seconds and he'll fight you. I hope that's not his jackoff hand. Aw crap I guess he can just erase shit with his power. Oh no stop you're giving me PTSD for Avdol. Aw crap that's actually a really good power. I kinda love this dumb bastard. Aw shit Koichi's still dying. WATCH THE ROAD, JOTARO. I kinda miss Enya, she was fun. Hunter- God this arc is creeping me out. Oh good, they haven't found Palm yet. Aw crap this wolf guy's gonna find Palm. You idiot why didn't you take your shoes! Uh kid I think you might have some Stockholm Syndrome. King just seems annoying as fuck to deal with. At this point he just deserves to get slaughtered. Oh my god you dramatic bitch. You're overthinking all of this, wolf dude. And then the intruder had a mental breakdown and ran away crying. Oh god don't involve that dramtic bastard. Yeah this sounds like a solid plan that won't go wrong at all. I'm so fucking uncomfortable with this guy. Good luck y'all, I hope you don't die. Knuckles so nice, I fear for his life. Karma Chameleon is getting withdrawls. Look at my cute kids sharing some juice. Oh jesus that's a fucking horrifying thought. I'd take those last three minutes to hug it out since everyone might die. HELLOOOOO SHIRTLESS KNUCKLE. Uh is that dragonfly guy supposed to be there with their team? Clover- Thank god, Jack the Ripper is here. This series has no goddamn idea when to end an arc. Shut the fuck up, girl. Lady you're hot and your personality isn't festering garbage, have some standards for fuck's sake. Yami continues to be the single bright spot in this dumpster fire of a show. Tell me more about your ass, Yami. My dude she's a lesbian. Sorry if you like a big buff dude, the lesbians will never respect you. Okay Yami shitting on all the captains is hands down the highlight of this entire goddamn series. Blah blah blah, uninteresting side characters fight each other, I don't care. I would hate this show so much less if he just gave an insulting running commentary on every terrible fight. Goddammit Asta you're ruining everything. Great job you obnoxios sack of crap, now you're going to get everyone killed. Shut up shut up shut up shut up. Yami, still failing to give a single fuck. I'm okay with damn near everyone here being destroyed. Fuck off, sister fucker. Oh hell no don't seal it, I want to watch someone die here. Yes, let's all thank Jack the Ripper. SHUT UP ASTA. I'd say she made a good choice on Yami but he's literally the only fuckable man in this entire show so there wasn't much competition. Naruto- Naruto you stupid bastard. I would absolutely prefer if Sakura was dead now. Sasuke is Sasuke, and unfortunately Sasuke is a total bag of dicks. Hi dog! Hey there, angry man! That blonde lady has an amazing rack. Please make that man stop rapping. Wow what a shock that shark dude wasn't dead, I'm so totally surprised. Hi, Flytrap Travis. Great job knocking your teammates out and leaving them on the side of the road like a trash bag, you dumbass. I'm too bored to care about any of this, show. STOP RAPPING GODDAMMIT. I still like how angry this girl is. Please god not a sentimental rap. Everyone take a minute to drag Naruto. They're the complete opposite but equally terrible. Fucking finally, a decent hokage. I like this guy's fancy hat. Oh jeus fucking christ please no. THANK YOU ANGRY MAN. I just wanna look at the Jotaro View some more:
  4. Oh my god, what the fuck.
  5. Hey, Icy Hot. I'm gonna fuck your dad.
  6. I liked her as a character, but I agree that the Fin and Rose's Bizarre Adventure subplot could have been handled better.
  7. I feel like this is the least-flattering picture of a human face that's ever been drawn.
  8. How fucking dare you.
  9. Have you SEEN Oscar Isaac's beautiful eyes?
  10. I'm not proud of myself but damn if you don't have a point.
  11. This is the only good AMV that exists.
  12. Waiting for that "SWALLOW MY DNA" line again like
  13. I feel like I just got so much dumber for having to read the word "animegate". Like, I'm pretty sure I don't know math anymore.
  14. I mean, the show's geared towards hormonal teenage boys. Of course there's gonna be more tits than manservice, but it's not like the dudes get nothing.
  15. Hero- Simmer down there, Icy Hot. Aizawa is suffering and I'm enjoying it. Was that a clown boy? I'm proud of you, Hardboy. And then Hardboy 2. His parents named him Tetsu^4, they must have hated him. I love all these children and will adopt all of them except Bakugo. Yeah that near-death experience really taught them some valuable lessons. Do Iida's pipes retract or can he just never wear regular pants? I wonder how the invisible girl is getting through ths. That's a smart idea, Deku. BOOB CANNON. This seems ridiculiously simple for Uraraka. Goggles. She's got Attack on Titan toys. What's the deal with tired boy here. Haaaa he's Frozone. Iida is great. Random dog man. SHOW ME THE FIRE DILF ALREADY. Oh, Bakugo can't explode. Deku I think it's safe to drop the shield. Uhhh what just happened. LOOK AT HIM GO. I love my tiny buff son and I'm so proud of him. Aw fuck that landing's gonna kill him. Present Mic is having a great day. I mean getting third place would still be crazy impressive. THIS IS AWESOME. Joke's on you, Aizawa doesn't teach he just sleeps. Awww his mom. Go away, Fuckhands. I can't stop smiling. Shut up nerds he's adorable. NOISE NOISE NOISE. Bakugo's about to have a fucking stroke. Get it, Deku. Mineta you fucking loser. My kids did so good. Oh no poor sparkle boy. God, I'm gay. They're carrying All Might. Oh crap Deku you're screwed. This show is so good I don't even mind that All Might didn't go into big mode. Titan- I like that Levi faces giant cannibal monsters with blistering indifference and yet Cowboy Kenny here is what really disturbs him. Okay this shot is genuinely awesome. The Hol Horse is strong in this one. No no the booze, I need that for Black Clover! Levi is definitely the best part of this show. Meanwhile, the others do nothing. Friendly bar wench, helping the bartender. Ouuuch right in the nipple. Levi doesn't fuck around. Jean you pansy. Whelp somebody's dead. Fuck off, rich dudes. Did Erwin lose an arm and I just forgot about it? Armin needs a hug. Damn Armin grew a pair this season. Goddammit Eren could you stop getting captured for one damn week. I agree Jean, you suck. Oh christ Armin broke. Surprisingly good motivational speaker Levi here. Oh no, plundering. I was not expecting this fat guy to be a decent dude. Eren sucks though, just let him get eaten. I enjoy Hange a lot. Somebody please get Armin some fucking therapy. You bastard leave that whore alone. Yeah that's nice and all but do you believe in keeping your goddamn kneecaps? The worst torture of all, your coworker saying mean things behind your back. Well that was easy. I still refuse to be afraid of Cowoby Kenny here. Wait isn't that Mikasa's name? Yeah this family reunion is gonna go just great. PTE- Hand puns, go! BUSTIN MAKES ME FEEL GOOD. Gon would be proud of this arm wrestling. The car. THE COOLEST THING EVER. Sanji would be proud of that tuna. Swole mayor coming through. Poor rabbit. That is the only correct way to enjoy latte art. Aww, hugging. Not a hug. 1000 people out of 10, that math sounds about right. I bet the French bits are fun if you actually know what they're saying. I don't think the narrator sounded like this before. This turns out to be a great night for cowboy characters. I want this man to narrate every show from now on. Good job, Mayor Hol Horse. FRIENDSHIP SLAP. Jojo- I love josuke's hot mom. Jesus that's fucked up. What IS it with this show and dogs. This OP is great it's like Jotaro's surrounded by a boyband. Hello there cute chef in the OP, you're going to die. Awwww hot mom still loves Joseph. Oh hell no you stay out of that milf. I like that she does't even react to getting punched through the chest. OH THAT'S A BASEBALL! You stay away from the nice grandpa you asshole! Well that's some disturbing news. GRANDPA NOOO. Jotaro you know what to do, restart his heart. Oh noooo. Josuke's gonna need a hug. Jotaro what are you talking about I literally saw you restart Joseph's heart two weeks ago. Protect that milf with your life. I volunteer to console the hot mom. Kick his ass, Jojos. Aw shit he can't heal himself. Aw shit it's rain. ORA. Boy jumps like Donky Kong. Cover your mouths! You dick, you kill his grandpa AND wreck his roof. Star Platinum is having none of this shit today. I like that Star changed his color scheme to white so he matches Jotaro's new outfit. Whelp he's dead, show's over. He swallowed a damn glove. I hope he broke some bones in that fall. Punch his jaw off, Josuke. And then he was a rock. Damn, Josuke really does not fuck aroun with villains. OH MAN I FUCKING LOVE THIS SONG. Hunter- FUCKING BIRDS. I love my kids. I hope Palm's not dead. What old job, was your family just ssending you out for murders back then? Oh hey Colt, your weird baby's gotten bigger. Uh guys you might not wanna be chilling on top of a building where everyone can see you. Alright Knuckle time to take your shirt off. You could just stop guarding him and see how things happen. You dramatic gay bastard. Y'all should probably just send out Karma Chameleon since his entire thing is hiding himself. Oh no, you guys should definitely be scared about this. Oh hey, he stopped being a little bitch. Oh dang he looks awful. Turtle Mewtwo learning a lesson in basic decency. Aw shit what's the butterfly douche doing. Whelp they're all drugged up. Wake up Knuckle you need to know things or you'll die. Quick, group hug while everyone's here. Well his douchebag brother jammed a brainwashing needle in his skull, that would probably bum me out too. Stop mentioning Kite you're gonna make me cry. Good luck everybody I hope you don't die. You were born just to give me nightmares, dude. Clover- Why is this show not exclusively about Yami fighting and hating things? Every episode that sister fucker doesn't die is a wasted opportunity. Yami continues to be the single bright spot in this dumpster fire of a series. The fuck? Okay Yami's eulogy there is the first time this show ever made me laugh. Aaaand back to people I hate. They left you behind because you're awful. Oh hey, bird. Sorry nun you're not lucky enough to die your way out of this show. Hurry your shit up, Cap'n Sexy needs a beer. Jesus tapdancing christ, why is sister fucker allowed to exist. Whelp, you're all gonna die and I will miss exactly one of you. I'm already annoyed with these people. Man I hate it when you wear down a gym leader's pokemon and then they use a full restore on it. This entire thing seems pretentous and obnoxious. I continue to enjoy Yami not giving a single fuck. Oh that's just unfair. Aw crap there goes his sword. No don't have them stand back, use them as meatshields. Why does the only decent one have to die? This show isn't worthy of a PLUS ULTRA joke, even at its best. That was a close one, Yami almost gave a shit. Oh hey, something happened. Hey douchebag, thanks I guess. Thank you for pointing out how awful his hair is. Oh hey it's the lesbian. Oh yeah let's trust the guy who's literally named Jack the Ripper. Naruto- That sure is a lot of eyes. Oh my god he's not your friend, Sasuke has literally never liked you. Is this just gonna be another pointless flashback episode because I have so much All Might porn I'd rather be looking at. It's too late for you dumbass, you're already a loser. Oh right, Flytrap Travis is in this show. Has Naruto finally realized that Sasuke is a piece of shit who'll never love him? Well that's creepy. Naruto you stupid bastard I hate you. This entire speech is cringy as shit. The whole thing comes off as a desperate stalker who thinks they can be together if he commits a murder/suicide. To be fair, I also don't respect you at all. Hey Sakura you're right, you are goddamn awful! Sasuke you stupid blind idiot. Sakura you fucking moron. Just kill the fangirl.
  16. This movie has HOT YOUNG MIGHT with actual eyes? Ohhh I need to see this.
  17. So you're telling me that not only is there a hot dude with fire powers, but he's a hot DILF with fire powers?
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