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Everything posted by God-Says-No

  1. ayy babey
  2. and did you eat it?
  3. i only like anime dubs other than that i pass on that list
  4. thats the start really better than half the dwellers here
  5. in a woman edit : im completely shaven
  6. trimmed bush to airstrip <3
  7. you can basically eat anything metal plastic grass doesnt mean it will disgust or be good for you
  8. totally thought this was a zeni related thread
  9. youre missing out
  10. :blank:
  11. bump - announced for this fall new rule changes which actually might balance and slow the game a bit
  12. the good dope days
  13. ive liked 0 things
  14. God-Says-No


    ive always liked cold mcdonalds and bk nuggets havent had them cold in year though
  15. switch is looking amazing and the new legend of zelda game already have near perfect reviews great for nintendo and for overall gaming imo
  16. looks like you need more of me
  17. drinking wd40
  18. ssshhhh I understand
  19. madcatz pretty much guarantees 1 year on 2 aaa batteries or 1 aaa depending models the microsoft 6000 goes about anywhere from 2-4 months on 2 aa
  20. o playing hard to get <3
  21. blue is blueberry red is cranberry they have a purple on that acia berry
  22. well angry birds is fun all day every day i guess
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