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Everything posted by God-Says-No

  1. because youre a trump supporter you wouldnt understand anything...
  2. i got a bone for you to fetch
  3. http://i.giphy.com/Qt7ZKXj42izpm.gif
  4. go find it
  5. ok now play breath of wild
  6. God-Says-No


    youd like it all whores do its basically just distortion and bass drops
  7. yes thats the reason why your father isnt in your life he saw the failure in you earlier and he couldnt stand your mom and wanted dick...
  8. earn it from me
  9. o youll take it! and like it!
  10. there is this funny pseudo nsfw video the basics european country; prostitute is on the side of the road trying to get customers guy shows up on a bike and asks how much etc... either way jokes ensure
  11. thats awful everything about that
  12. you are very succulent
  13. if you need nothing
  14. its from the athf movie if you arnt in the cool crowd
  15. only your fat makes you look fat
  16. OMG HOLY SHIT WE LIKE ALL CARE no really we all do... you should tell us more...
  17. arnt you the fat highschool dropout on tc some nights?
  18. fuggs avoid all vans because youll just get raped when they tell your fat muffin top ass we have day old cheeseburgers....
  19. Please.... please tell me youre not saying Melatonin is not for kids because of the text "keep out of reach of children" please tell me youre not that fucking autistic you fucking retard...
  20. before all movies start
  21. no need to softball it in... hes a high functioning retard is the preferred term
  22. lsp is the worst
  23. plays on the radio... so awful...
  24. tl;dr we dont care that your pussy got used...
  25. fuggs.... youre implying as if college trig is something to be proud of thats considered sped math for college... literally not helping in anything at least algebra will lead to calculus 1 then 2 then differential equations... like all trig can literally do in the slightest is slightly help you remember 1 very basic situation for physics... dam youre fat ugly and so fucking dumb... no wonder why youre a double bagger.....
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