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Everything posted by God-Says-No

  1. and then what
  2. i thought this was gona be the candy song from athf
  3. well they are just awful so yea
  4. It was an ok movie at best if youre smoking weed and its on sure but to go out of your way, sober, and movie spent then pass
  5. I make way more than you
  6. I quit last year and this latest ban list unbanned imperial order with a slight erratta just to slow down pendulums but the game is busted
  7. a month or so
  8. looks great check pm
  9. i guess it sorta does
  10. im a big in the smogon community but magikarp has semi use in lc
  11. yea exactly
  12. gets high not sure if posted yet or not
  13. so you like used clearanced items
  14. warriors are gona beat them anyway
  15. pretty much that though i always found amanda bynes to be hot
  16. only if she drank enough
  17. they are also in my area too
  18. i know that feeling a lot of people are doing that now but its best to know
  19. thats a stupid name
  20. yea i have a shorter day tomorrow anyway
  21. and they killed all people trying to evacuate
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