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Everything posted by God-Says-No

  1. I have a few fresh water and saltwater fish that would tear apart spiders regardless of size and venomous
  2. hmm axototls are reptiles now hmmm
  3. well youre def in the top 5
  4. a shit ton of axolotls
  5. i havent seen it because i dont care about the series as a whole but i did enjoy movie 1 but since you arnt going to talk to any one who has seen this movie maybe thats why numbers are up
  6. very thought provoking and moving
  7. ill alert the media
  8. tl;dr i guess you broke up with her
  9. God-Says-No


    that would be the best way to do dmt
  10. only one way to stop them
  11. God-Says-No


    it is definitely enjoyed it and its sequel
  12. punch drunk love was a good movie imo definitely not his downfall
  13. Man I could only imagine if only the first 4 season were like this it wouldve been so amazing im really enjoying this season a lot the bood and fighting have really stepped up also imo the best show on the block though im biased against the trash [as] has
  14. if only they could just be set on auto
  15. youre that purple forever
  16. thats our next president better recognize
  17. yea i only have a dick to show no pair of boobies
  18. well not bad
  19. it is
  20. put your finger in there
  21. its herpes
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