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Everything posted by resurrected

  1. Kmart fat fuck of the month.
  2. What in the name of baby Jesus on crack is this shit? When did they start bottling Quaker State in a blue bottle?
  3. Update your electrical system for fuck's sake. Sleep outside. Nabs has a bridge.
  4. She should have ended up on her mama's face. But here we are, living with her dad's mistake.
  5. Looks like you got shot in the face at point blank range with a Roman candle. You burnt bitch.
  6. If anyone should apologize, it should be fugg's mother apologizing to us for not having an abortion.
  7. 1/2 inch of rain. That's it. Didn't even lose power. Fuck the weather people.
  8. I had roast and corn. I'm going to hell with diarrhea.
  9. He took a hiatus or something. A sabbatical. Plus he's got early dementia I think.
  10. That movie was cool. And I don't know where all of this I am midnight crap keeps coming from. He said he was me a while back, and I guess everyone just believes the asshole.
  11. You should quote midnight, not me. He's the douche that wastes money on movies and shit.
  12. It's raining here. But not as bad as it was an hour ago. Have you checked in with your family in Atlanta and seen how the weather is there?
  13. Duck and cover. Get in the hallway. You are going to die. The last thing you want to see is a dirty hallway, and your own asshole.
  14. I like Harvey. He's funnier than Cedric. After Cedric did that show, It's Worth What?? Nah. That was all the Cedric I could ever handle again.
  15. We've had one rainy day in the past month.
  16. The media wants us to go grab milk and bread and water. We should head to the All American and stock up on supplies. Pickled eggs. Chips. Hatchets. Batteries. A 3D TV so the weather woman's tits look bigger. Head to the Poconos. Feeling cute. Might shoot Rickety Cricket in the basement later. IDK.
  17. Never watched it. I'm a bitch.
  18. Downvote. Because saying it is better.
  19. Just started pouring here too. As soon as I got those comments out, the bottom dropped out. Power will go out here in about 5 minutes.
  20. Yep.
  21. We are in that area, and nothing is happening as of this time.
  22. It's finally dark here now. Looks like death outside. But not the first drop of rain. It's thundering and a bit windy, but to hear the weather channel right now, we are all going to die. Fuck them.
  23. No. I just don't check them unless they are a reply, and even then, it depends on who it is, as to whether I reply or not.
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