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Everything posted by resurrected

  1. I mean, it's ok for her to be mad. We all experience that emotion from time to time. (I think she needs an anger management class). She used to be so chipper and nice. Struggle can change people.
  2. Sit your ass down and have some Fruity Pebbles.
  3. No you aren't chuckling. You fire back with blanks. A truly vain person would be pissed when someone says they are ugly. You claim to be vain and gorgeous. You figure it out from there.
  4. But what was on the menu?
  5. Whatever you have to tell yourself to feel better.
  6. Got no feel. I got no rhythm. I just keep losing my beat. I'm OK. I'm alright. I ain't gonna face no defeat. I just gotta get out of this prison cell. One day I'm gonna be free, Lord.
  7. You wouldn't be the one to do it, pussy boy. Your bitch ass would have to have a vehicle to make that play out. NaBiden2020.
  8. Oh don't you even think about it.
  9. Golden Harvest Food Bank.
  10. Post count. Nothing more.
  11. No you didn't.
  12. I'm not nice. Just nicer than midnight.
  13. Also, yes. If midnight decides to come back. Midnight was bored anyways. I might stick around a while longer. I am nicer.
  14. Hopefully me. It's gonna be a long one.
  15. You are mad. Anger makes you uglier.
  16. But you do care, otherwise you wouldn't put so much effort into leaving such a detailed comment. You thrive off of everyone thinking you are hot, otherwise you wouldn't post pictures over and over and over and over again. Tell me more about how you don't care.
  17. One more day. I will be watching it.
  18. All I'm saying is, you aren't attractive to me, and my opinion is the only one I care about.
  19. The wall..is um.....coming a part. Clearly some of that $5 fast Korean food. Love the duct tape art on the burner too.
  20. I think she's already married.........to her cat.
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