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Everything posted by resurrected

  1. You're fired.
  2. I'll take Ninja Gaiden 1-3 so I can have a reason to get pissed off playing video games again. I tried the first one on Switch NES Online, and it's still as hard as I remember it from back in the day.
  3. If I DON'T get socks for Christmas, I panic. I depend on that gift. Same with underwear. Shit starts getting sketchy around October. Might have to wear two pairs of underwear or socks just to make sure it's all covered. Fuck buying it that close to getting new ones for free.
  4. I'm not 50 yet, but I get AARP stuff in the mail. I know I'm old because I actually read it and got excited for a minute.
  5. Haha. Child.
  6. Picked this game up yesterday. The boy seems to be enjoying it. Especially the Bowser's Fury part.
  7. I don't like bananas. Or tuna. Or soup. I can live without bread, too.
  8. Sawdy up in there ordering a half a tuna on some banana bread and a 3 ounce cup of chicken noodle soup with a diet water. Ha.
  9. Well, I'm a fat fuck who when I go out for a quick bite, I say no to healthier options. Give me that fat, greasy burger.
  10. There's power at the store here in GA.....
  11. Yeah, I've never heard a cat fart either, but I have sure smelled it.
  12. Never been there. Well, once. I got a sweet tea and it was over 3 bucks. I said fuck no to finishing that order. Went to Krystal's across the street instead.
  13. I need to check the NES and SNES situation on the Switch. I haven't looked in a while to see if anything new has been added.
  14. Don't wear a bra to work tomorrow and titty slap the first asshole that complains.
  15. Never heard of it.
  16. I think since the Switch is what it is, DS is a thing of the past. Our local Walmart has 2 DS games still. Most places around here, you can't even find games anymore.
  17. The store manager would have needed to call in to corporate and let them know of the situation, and would be advised by corporate to contact an outside contractor to come in and handle the issue. It would have been expedited. Worse case, and no one could come out in time, a breaker for the loading dock could have been flipped. No harm would have come to any other area.
  18. Sure they will, since DS is not making games anymore. Nintendo is gonna get that bank.
  19. Yoshi's Woolly World is one of my son's favorites on the 3DS, but he wants it on Switch. Only a matter of time.
  20. Yoshi's Woolly World is one my son is anxiously awaiting to get ported.
  21. Also, I have to get this game immediately, or my son is gonna kill me.
  22. I do like how they are operating these days. The Wii and Wii U were the only Nintendo products I didn't buy, since the very beginning. Wii was a shit concept and Wii U was even worse. Of course, this is just my opinion. I started with Nintendo from the beginning. But the Wii was not something that interested me in the least. The Switch, however, restored my confidence. So, for those of us who missed the few good games from the Wii/Wii U, I am happy to be able to get them now, along with all the extra content. And first party Nintendo games are like Disney. They never go down in price. We have around 40 games for the Switch and probably 30 of those are first party games. All of them at $50-$60 a pop. I did download the Contra pack and the original Golf. I put in many hours on those games back in the 80's.
  23. He tried. But the other dude had dick envy and was dick shamed.
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