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Everything posted by resurrected

  1. It's a Pearl Harbor sneak attack. You're not supposed to see it.
  2. I mean, it's not even a great car. That touch screen is small as fuck. She ain't following him for the money. Dude must have one of those ghostrek dicks.
  3. Kitty ears = titties. Good to know.
  4. Also, not trying to discourage any women here but, I bet the refrigerator in this place is an exact replica of Dahmer's.
  5. How many different angles is that ceiling kicking? That wallpaper has seen some shit.
  6. @stilgar ghostttttttrek is waiting.
  7. Haha @ legugnoid. Yeah, she wants that meat hammer to wreck her.
  8. R.B.I. Baseball 2021 on Switch. Just waiting on MLB The Show to finally come out on Xbox next week.
  9. Also, why did you tag yourself, ghost?
  10. They should have stopped with the first two.
  11. And just like that, Zeni runs out to buy a ''young'' car.
  12. I live in the swamp. Door Dash doesn't come out here. No one delivers here.
  13. No clue what this is about.
  14. I've never been to Miami. After watching all 3 Bad Boys movies, I'm pretty sure I never want to.
  15. You were trying to fuck the monster under your bed.
  16. What? That's just a goddamn lie.
  17. Last time I did that, the cops showed up and I had to blame it on my grandfather.
  18. I'm sure you'll get laid....especially with that hairline.
  19. That's when Aunt Flo shows up.
  20. I wanna see Packard and ghost talk shop.
  21. I am certain Katt was wearing her titty spandex when she dropped that 3 minute ban.
  22. That lemon bleach goes down like lemonade.
  23. It's a struggle just to get up everyday, scoob.
  24. I wish the earth was flat. Sweet Jesus, do I wish the earth was flat. I'd push so many people off this rock.
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