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Everything posted by resurrected

  1. I laugh, but this is a perfect example as to why we need a puke emoji. You win with the scariest movie, but there's no way I'm watching it. Besides, bnmjy is still whacking it to it. Speaking of skin, he has none left on his pee pee after watching that shit.
  2. Haha. In his case, that's probably what happened. "Block buddy, goddamnit." "Yep. That takes care of that." (Wipes hands with a sense of accomplishment).
  3. I saw him say that, but if he had you blocked, how the hell did he respond to you? Hahaha. Dude has no idea how to block. PhilosopherDrunk will have a field day with this later.
  4. Same. But after stalking through several threads, you finally just have to let him know. Dude, no fucking body is talking to you. I don't think he learned comprehension.
  5. Haha @ janitors are now ''heroes'' because they clean up shit. "Just doing my part as a great American, because every American should serve their country in these trying times. I'm doing my part. One toilet at a time.'' Get the fuck outta here with that nonsense. You're not a hero. You're not a patriot. You're not a martyr. You're a fucking janitor. Get off your make believe high horse. Do you honestly believe anyone, ANYONE at the White Fucking House is going to read your illiterate gibberish, let alone be like, ''This is a great, informative letter, and we should act now?" Dude, I'm just glad companies hire people like you. You should be grateful too.
  6. Thirteen Ghosts is an awesome movie. I haven't watched it in years. I was actually trying to find this to buy not long ago, and couldn't. I've never heard of The Jackal. I'll have to look it up. I want to say Ghost Ship was made by the same people that made Thirteen Ghosts, but that movie fucked me up. When that wire cuts everyone in half at the beginning, nope. I almost lost my shit at that part. I think they also did House on Haunted Hill, which is another one I like a lot.
  7. No one is talking to you. Damn. Can I comment to the OP without tagging them, or is that too hard for you to follow?
  8. Oh for shit's sake. I've had my ass torn up with a switch or two. Parents usually made me go ''pick one out.'' And if wasn't suffice, I'd have to keep picking until I got a suitable ass whooper.
  9. This has got to be the balls all stupidest fucking thing you've ever thought of, you discount corky.
  10. The perfect height to suck my sack, you short, sickly bitch.
  11. Not sure I follow. Did I diss someone for having a Switch?
  12. I think that was someone else. Maybe Naraku.
  13. I don't come here near as much as I used to. What with tending to my grandfather and teaching school to our son. So, when I logged on and saw this old saga that I missed, I'm guessing while I was on the fuggs ban, it was new to me. Nothing more than boredom, and this is free entertainment while waiting for my Switch to charge.
  14. I'm not doing anything at all, other than entertaining myself. I could go post about some lame ass DNA test Le Filet Mignon posted about. But this was more interesting. Low hanging fruit. I'm a shallow man.
  15. Never do. Not anymore. Who needs a plan when it comes to meaningless chatter on a message board?
  16. Nah. I'm just taking his links and bumping them. No more. No less. This is an interesting read from my perspective. Others might find it interesting as well. Or they won't. Doesn't matter. I'm bored and don't care if I piss him off.
  17. I'm not stirring shit up. These are you words. Not mine.
  18. Page one where he says he's not married and proceeds to flirt with Vela.
  19. No game. Just interested. I mean, I can read just fine, and I can see the lie in black and white. Now, I just want to see how it plays out. I went to the source, but wasn't satisfied with the reply. It'll come out eventually. His gas tank is running low.
  20. So..... @Vela is only a friend. And you aren't married here in this thread. Hmmmmmmmmmm. Holy shit balls. @Raptorpat, move this shit to DF so this can reach it's potential.
  21. Goddamn. Bump the fuck outta this one.
  22. I love that movie. I have Color Out of Space, but haven't watched it. We settled on Pirates of the Caribbean. The boy wanted to watch a movie and hadn't watched it.
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