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Everything posted by resurrected

  1. Let's drink a beer to celebrate.
  2. Also, there is zero context to this stupid ass thread.
  3. Do you know any other topics besides casinos, children, shitty music equipment, or toaster ovens?
  4. $10 says he goes nowhere near any meat. Ever. He's too stupid to pass a ServSafe test to handle meat. He's gonna be cleaning their toilets.
  5. It's in your mouth.
  6. UnDeRwEaRpRiNcEsS
  7. Double widely. Your pension will only afford you the ability to rent. You will never own anything.
  8. Oh great. Can't wait to read about your former place of employment and the adventures of being a janitor. Wait. We read Packard's everyday.
  9. When you put things into perspective, it really is sad. Take ghostrek for example. Dude is dumber than a bag of hammers, but knew being a janitor was not the path to glory. Packard is old enough to be ghost's dad and has always been a janitor. When he retires, if he keeps his job long enough to retire, his pension is going to look like something won out of a gumball machine. Also, don't be surprised when he says he bought that shitty music equipment (because I can't think of a better word to call that shit) with loose change he's been picking up off the casino floor for the past 40 years.
  10. After I posted this, I had the mad shits for 3 hours. No joke. I remember now why it had been so long since I went there.
  11. That is not the same picture. The angle of the neck and the shape of the head are not the same. Nor is the color, and we all know you don't know how to change the color of an image.
  12. I want to see him destroy the place before he leaves, only to be told to go clean it up.
  13. I got a bean, cheese and rice burrito today. The rice wasn't cooked. Discount Mexican ass food.
  14. (Sets reminder).
  15. More reading material. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project64
  16. https://www.pj64-emu.com
  17. Project64. But only download it from their site.
  18. Not yet. I want to watch The Color Out of Space. But our boy got me into the Pirates of the Caribbean series and we still have two of those left to watch. I also want to watch The Hunt.
  19. The title sounds like some shit packard says to himself before he strokes his junk.
  20. Oh. Yeah it's been a minute since I've watched Thirteen Ghosts. I think it was one of the first movies I bought back when VHS transitioned over to DVD, but I don't have it anymore. Rose Red, I saw the miniseries back in the late 90's/early 2000's. Whenever it was it came on TV. It had some scary parts, but you're right. It needs to be done better. We just watched the old Salem's Lot last weekend. That movie is still creepy to me. Those vampire kids.... nope.
  21. Haha @ bought a shirt that needs an alteration. Fuck you.
  22. Also, your profile picture looks like a bubblegum fetus.
  23. There's a lot going on here. Looks like a furniture tag in there. Some cardboard. And a reflection of the person who thought this was photo worthy. Those two ''pipes'' at the bottom. Is that where the shit drains out?
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