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Everything posted by resurrected

  1. Unless that's a parking garage, there's no way that industrial machinery is on the roof. Better yet, what are they tearing down on the ROOF? Nothing above it but SKY. If they're tearing it DOWN from the TOP, they are coming down along with the debris. Jesus Fuck.
  2. Ok. I have to ask. What is the AJ thing? I missed it.
  3. free for all sucks and having to suffer through 500 miserable posts to access dumpster fires is not enough. for those who call df home, there should be a raise in the post limit for those who haven't reached it yet. make it 1000 posts. and for those who have made it to 500 and have gained access to df, take it away from them until they reach 1000 down vote these nuts
  4. Next he's gonna say that Floyd owed the aliens money and Chauvin was an alien debt collector, coming to collect a debt. Like Chauvin is some sort of Deep Space Davy Jones. Wait for it.
  5. I went to bed and this shit is still going on. Packard didn't get any sleep last night. He's still arguing aliens and money, and I love how it ended up with George Floyd. I mean, it had already taken a racist turn before I went to bed. Leave it to Packard to turn a stupid conversation about aliens into some racist shit. Hahahaha.
  6. Well, I think Packard has cured my insomnia. Gonna give this thing they call sleep another shot.
  7. You know it's bad when Zeni won't even enter a Packard thread.
  8. Panic is bringing those legal teen hotties. They doing shots out their hoohahs.
  9. Happy Birthday, @RedemptionZeni
  10. You can try.
  11. Nabs up in here contributing to society like
  12. @Sofa King Kule this is now your thread
  13. @RedemptionZeni Birthday, yo
  14. Packard is drinking Absinthe right now, talking to a turkey he named Lance. This might be true.
  15. Let me be the first fucker to wish @RedemptionZeni a Happy Birthday. Fuck off Packard. This is now Zeni's birthday thread.
  16. You should go to bed, old man. You're gonna miss the Today Show in the morning.
  17. Google 2girls1cup.
  18. It's like our two cats who are confined to one end of the house. They don't have free reign. But once you open that door, they haul ass out, only to stop 2 feet from the door and look around in terrified amazement, before retreating back to the confines of which they are comfortable. I find them more interesting than anything either of the board janitors have to offer. Frankly, I don't care about their stories. Not these two janitors anyways.
  19. You have no tracking device on your flip phone. Stop being paranoid.
  20. Yeah. Where's the fucking mod split on this one?
  21. Mighty white of you to assume aliens use money.
  22. Nabs commenting
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