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Everything posted by Muskette

  1. Also odin: my first time in ib we bonded over shredder saying, “THEY’RE BABIES! AHHH!”
  2. From old boards. kneon_knight verpetas/welp the_entertainer—we used to cam and voice sex a lot, so i guess that counts as meeting lmao. @Derackthehunter @crackymckrackin because perseus was bae and my secret mod crush
  3. @scoobdog @That_One_Guy @André Toulon @Poof I wanted to meet rogue when we lived closer. I already met Musket and SmilezDavis. @stilgar @Misaka I might meet mumbo for lols, but he scares me. Saved my pics and just talked about his ex wife. @God-Says-No @ghostrek
  4. I get a headache and gas. :T
  5. -kegels-
  6. Will look sometime.
  7. I haven’t been there in a long time. I like the biscuits.
  8. ❤️
  9. I’d vote for you
  10. I use an avatar because i liked using the ones on asmb. i put pictures in the picture thread and i don’t like people to know too much about me. Hence, no profile section.
  11. Ran over my foot on purpose at work. She is funny, though, but still. What are your experiences with the elderly?
  12. Send me hooha pic on kik. Will send you my hooha with a red panda drawn on it.
  13. I have a hard time finding thigh highs i like, tbh.
  14. Where’s the pic?
  15. When i was in Georgia, water bugs were ridiculous because i lived near a creek of sorts. When i saw one with the eggs on the back, oml.
  16. She is sending you to fight club.
  17. San Diego weather is just as bipolar as me. Cold, rain, hail, rain, hell. Bless up.
  18. Have you seen my hair? I have thick curls. Bless up, my damie
  19. I will take your hair and add to my own. Like a hair highlander. There can only be one.
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