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Thunder Goddess
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Everything posted by mthor

  1. Have you seen the rifftrax version yet?
  2. Whence comes this "butt bees?" I'm not familiar with the reference.
  3. If memory serves me, the guy who played the captain in this played the sheriff's deputy on Dukes of Hazzard.
  4. Part of the reason I like the black & white movies are because I saw them first on Saturday afternoons when I was a kid. Seeing them get riffed reminds me of being 10 or 11 and making fun of them with my friends.
  5. Can you do that with transistors and an 8-track?
  6. Covid time! I've been on the couch sleep-watching cooking shows and my 600 lb life, but I'm going to try staying awake for tonight.
  7. And the Lord said laugh, children, laugh...
  8. Like, they grow up so fast... @scoobdog 🎉🎂🎉 and a splash of limoncello (or however it's spelled)
  9. Is it a local thing maybe? (I'm in upstate NY)
  10. Now all you need are harvest orange shingles.
  11. I've got Verizon. It's been business as usual all day, and I've either had the TV on or been playing YouTube on my phone.
  12. Ok, here's a dilemma: I'm saving Manos for Halloween, but which Manos? Manos mst3k, or Manos rifftrax? Not both - I don't think I'm capable of watching that twice in one night, no matter who's riffing it.
  13. Unfortunately, it didn't come with the ghost viewer, but it's not bad either way.
  14. Going through the Bookcase of Evil.
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