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Everything posted by new_disease

  1. its rare but tonsils can regenerate
  2. too late you already said you would
  3. red. so i can tell people it's the reason its your favorite color
  4. document the rest of the erosion
  5. fine, buy me a pair first
  6. or does it?
  7. didnt ask for or want anything. so yes
  8. nothing wrong with being selfish once in a while
  9. you already have it symptoms just haven't begun
  10. oh its a song my hopes rose and were shattered so quickly
  11. no now you're stuck there until leap day
  12. this explains all the mean things you like to say to me
  13. oh i've seen those i'd have a fear of those tinting my skin some weird color
  14. that one if not that one the blue one
  15. I don't bathe I shower and I just stick with olivina bar soap since it doesn't leave my skin dry
  16. go there and interview them instead
  17. You can't member a member unless you're a member
  18. You have to clap your hands 3 times and make an offering of string cheese first before they can do that
  19. Them's fighting words
  20. where is here?
  21. maybe this cat can help :catP
  22. Nah I like snails if it were a slug tho
  23. What kind of bear is best?
  24. Nope I'm still on a Galaxy S5 that I got from a cousin after he got a better phone
  25. No. Sounds like it would be a lot of work -_'
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