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Everything posted by new_disease

  1. If cheese isn't the opposite of popcorn, what is? 🤔 also now that I think about it I've met one, from the original boards. Not a lot of us on the west coast I think
  2. Eat some cheese. I think cheese is the opposite of popcorn. It'll cancel it out and you wont feel sick anymore
  3. Yeah you can. Last time I called to get new internet service they asked if I wanted home phone service too since it would be connected to the modem/router thing.
  4. Dark, German, and m u l t i d i m e n s i o n a l 🤔 I may have to check it out solely to see how many brain cells I've killed with trash tv. I won't be able to keep up How 'bout just 1 dark and do more tomorrow
  5. I knew it, I'm too meaty I'm not eating for at least 4 days now
  6. If it's actually dark, and maybe even a little spooky, then yes watch at least 3 Dark
  7. don't forget the popped corn 🍿
  8. This is a trick to get me to post a pic of myself
  9. sick invite 🧐
  10. Same. And jesus, I was going to take a break to go take a walk or something but this preview for the next episode. "she needs to see a Dr before she has sex with someone!" 😱 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After, couples tell all Season 1 ep 11 👀👀🍿
  11. Yes, it really is. I mean, Mohammed and Danielle tho... I don't want to watch 🥴 But then again 👀
  12. I might use my old Legos one day 😤
  13. A friend of mine recommended the whole 90 Days series to watch as a joke and I kept it on as background noise initially, but now I need to see where some of these trainwrecks go
  14. I was there like 10 years and barely made it past 17k I think by the time they were shut down. It used to blow my mind seeing people make it over 100k
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