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Everything posted by korosu

  1. what is your deal? "why toonami WHY are you airing one of your current shows when i've been complaining about a lack of content"
  2. every adult swim schedule is here https://sites.google.com/site/swimpediaiscoming/adult-swim-schedules/2021
  3. am i the only one who knows that's mittypip? he's supposed to be banned from the subreddit.
  4. he didn't even know that anything happened to it
  5. "nobody was thinking ah yeah there's probably a halloween marathon because normally you don't have three breaks to the regular lineup one right after another" huh? we just learned about week 2 of fandome
  6. halloween marathons are not sudden because there's precedence. that was expected. we also knew dc fandome would impact the block in october. don't forget about daylight saving now.
  7. a marathon on october 30th, the night before/morning of halloween, makes them seem desperate?
  8. yeah they've never done months of movies, ever
  9. this doesn't matter, those shows are all ending very soon
  10. in what? aside from yashahime likely finishing in january, shippuden is the only premiere on the block that's still gonna be there.
  11. what they actually did was run the previous lineup promo with Shippuden at 2:30 am the whole week
  12. https://sites.google.com/site/swimpediaiscoming/adult-swim-schedules/2021
  13. Jason DeMarco does not make the adult swim schedule. How do you not know this?
  14. "all weekly new episodes are delayed by a week!"
  15. it's so they have something to run while they're waiting for the next episode to arrive
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