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Everything posted by korosu

  1. i'll guess regular lineup on the 19th and marathon on the 26th
  2. earliest i remember seeing it was January 11, 2015
  3. if noelle is well-written, then you should be able to tell me the reason she wants to jump asta's bones. i don't think the show ever actually gave a reason.
  4. this is all black clover is
  5. precisely. parody ≠ insufferable characters with overused tropes and interpolated frames from other shonen. that's what black clover is.
  6. black clover is only a parody if parody means every character is insufferable and tropes are overused to death without any particular purpose or commentary. i would wager those are simply the results of the author's inability to write. i don't see how anyone can figure the show is "parodying" anything. unless you think the series was intentionally made to be the worst piece of fiction ever created. but then, parodies aren't supposed to be bad, are they? stealing elements from every shonen that came before it, and making the worst possible thing you can out of them? it's a head-scratcher for sure.
  7. it's something from black clover that he's never seen in an anime before! you figure it out 😉
  8. could just be horrible writing 🤷‍♂️
  9. What? Are you talking about when he said Noelle "trusts him," when every time they're together she calls him stupid and tosses him into the distance?
  10. the regular lineup is airing on the 5th
  11. you guys are so fucking stupid jesus christ
  12. Awesome Show aired at 1 am exactly during that period in 2008
  13. ah yes, i suppose the adultswim.com schedule having it isn't an official announcement
  14. if you see anything on that page that's incorrect and you have a source to back it up i'll happily edit it
  15. you're welcome to look at this web site https://www.tvguide.com/listings/
  16. uh https://sites.google.com/site/swimpediaiscoming/adult-swim-schedules/2020
  17. the schedule's been out for a while actually
  18. i'm guessing this is it?
  19. https://twitter.com/Clarknova1/status/1242867678278299651 ok, explain to me why the october 26th schedule post on facebook was edited to clarify boruto was taking a break when there aren't actually any plans to bring it back? you don't go to the trouble to say that if you didn't plan on airing it again. especially when the reason given was wanting to make room for some other shows and now there's seemingly ample room given the statement in the op. in before "demarco's a bullshitter." stupid.
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