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Everything posted by CAC

  1. CAC

    I'm sleepy

    Me three
  2. Pics or it didn't happen.
  3. I'm ready for a vacation, weekends are too short.
  4. There's just, SO much in there.....
  5. CAC


    Till then, just me and my cat sitting at home getting fatter.
  6. CAC


    A big nope for me.
  7. Nah I have shitty balance.
  8. I need help with mine.
  9. That reference, I got it.
  10. I don't know if that's a good thing....
  11. lolz, and yes a GITS body would be awesome.
  12. That has to be a shoop.
  13. Gotta find the blue key, shove it up it's ass and turn, then it will.
  14. No you.
  15. ......I need a bigger microwave.
  16. A new body.
  17. Good job weebz.
  18. I have a $100 in my wallet that I just haven't broken yet, I hardly ever use cash so it's been there a long time.
  19. CAC


    No you
  20. Next time you'll get fired from your job.
  21. Good job.
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