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Everything posted by CAC

  1. I wish I had beer, sigh...
  2. Lol, people still watch that shit.
  3. I'm finally just working from home, looking forward to not getting dressed to work...
  4. Good thing I don't actually know how to cook so vegetables aren't something I order.
  5. That's better.
  6. I hope you don't too. My company hasn't said to yet but my boss said today we can work from home if we want, so I took all my shit work me today lol.
  7. Don't call me period.
  8. There would be no difference for me to just stay home and watch shows and anime, other than work that's all I ever do.
  9. I ordered my groceries to be delivered, which is no different than normal for me.
  10. My work has us still coming in but I don't think that will last much longer.
  11. CAC


    Breaking news, if your out of toilet paper, clean your ass in the shower.
  12. I hope so.
  13. Been like 2 years, no I don't twitch.
  14. Poor catto
  15. well don't die brah.
  16. I mean I don't do it on purpose but stuff like that just comes out.
  17. Well stop choking yourself while you fap.
  18. CAC


    I'm waiting for my work to tell us all to work from home. My boss even told us there's a good chance is going to happen.
  19. Me too, or just say "fuck" but only meaning it to myself and not very loud.
  20. Rp be b&.
  21. New person, impossible. Who is you?
  22. CAC


    Ok then calendar-san.
  23. CAC


    But it's Wednesday.
  24. CAC


    What about it?
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