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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. I have gas due to some unwise dietary choices but you can't buy it you sicko.
  2. I should catalog my cards one of these days.
  3. I like using coconut oil myself. Some shifty supplement selling website says it helps with everything.
  4. It's how we display affection. Congratulations on the car. Looks nice. Now you can list it in my car history thread.
  5. A condom isn't a guarantee either but it's still a good idea to wear one if you don't want kids or STDs. Also the vaccines help prevent hospitalizations for vaccinated people who still contract covid-19.
  6. Trump had nothing to do with the development of the vaccines.
  7. We've had more cats than I can remember but there were 5 main ones and most were kittens from them. Names were Magic, Casper, Shadow, Tobi and Brutus. Magic use to drop kick my brother as he left his room every morning, we didn't know Casper was a girl until she had kittens, Shadow really didn't like car rides, Tobi pissed on my Beetlejuice shirt and Brutus was a large outdoor cat that really only came around for food.
  8. Fellow Mazda driver ayyyyy
  9. Can confirm. I have no idea as to which song you're referencing.
  10. ..... ..... ..... That's what she said.
  11. I got the Moderna vaccine and the only side effect I had was a sore arm. It only takes a few minutes and you don't need an appointment.
  12. I'm reminded of what they did to the esurance girl.
  13. I just googled that car and it can sell for over 30k.
  14. My family had two Tempos and I believe there's a good reason why they don't make them anymore.
  15. I liked my earlier model Focus's but that damn rust. Also the valve gaskets like to leak and the bolts holding the cover on are made of spaghetti noodles. Then there's the fact that the rear brakes are drums so that was fun.
  16. This is pretty much what I expected of you knowing your love of cars.
  17. Just got my first shot yesterday after somebody came up to me in Walmart and offered to stick a needle in my arm. Also four people here are being big weenies.
  18. That looks super nice. I almost bought a 2012 Hyundai Veloster but I had reservations on the seller.
  19. I can see that. Kinda reminds me of a receding hairline. Not a bad looking car, otherwise.
  20. So where was the other half?
  21. That's quite the extensive history.
  22. I'll start with mine. '84 Ranger '83 Volvo '00 Focus SE '03 Focus ZTS '11 Mazda 3 2.5 Took me years just to get a car with cup holders.
  23. Sieg67


    Wow. I thought ytmnd went the way of the dinosaurs.
  24. I also work at not my house.
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