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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. Call me when he intentionally hides documents or claims they're his private property when he refuses to relinquish them.
  2. Do they know they're a couple of days late? Sheesh, can't even be punctual.
  3. Look everybody, more Russian propaganda.
  4. There's a classic video of somebody getting pulled in and getting saved by his helmet.
  5. Page unavailable.
  6. I don't like him or Nabs but I'm not going to resort to flaming either. I'm also not going to do what Nabs does and reply with a clown. When I have an issue with that they say, I try to stay civil. Maybe put in a snarky or sarcastic comment or two.
  7. Obviously flaming isn't working. That's not going to change his opinion. If you have to reply at all, might as well make a actual counterpoint or bring forth new information. I recall you flaming me at one point. What's your excuse for that? Am I a NAZI apologists ?
  8. I disapprove of Ginguys posts as much as the next guy but flaming and telling people to shut up is not helpful nor is it how we should behave. I'm sure you're going to have choice words for me but I'm prepared for that.
  9. With my remembering that this is a thing, I decided to play around with it today. Looks like they upgraded the site quite a bit since I've last messed with it. You can now compose music and play it automatically. Or you use it for practice. There's a guide that teaches you how to write music for the piano. There is now a catalog of music sheets on the site and there's a "Play it now" option that injects the sheet into the piano. You can either autoplay the song or learn how to play it. It's pretty great. It may also assist me with my real keyboard as I'm not proficient in reading music. Bad habits, I know but it's my choice. Link for the lazy.
  10. Good movie but the scenes just ran on for way too long.
  11. Difficult boogers. You know, like the ones that you can feel way up in your nose. Giving best efforts to blow it out as it reminds one of it's presence with every breath. The noise, the feel. Mocking you as your feeble attempts to rid it only makes it stronger.
  12. The Good the Bad and the Ugly was always one of those films that I dismissed thinking it was just a typical western. I'm planning on picking it up at the mall now that I've seen RLM's review of it.
  13. Do you know how we can avoid accidents like this? Putin calling off the war. I suspect Ukraine would fire fewer missiles if Russia would stop bombarding them.
  14. Just move to Russia already. While you're there, maybe you can enlist in their military who have attacked innocent civilians including women and children. Maybe Putin will pick you as his best bud. There is one far right battalion. That's it. It is in no way representative of the whole of Ukraine just like how the KKK don't represent the U.S. Why in the actual fuck do you keep defending Russia? Don't tell me that you're not because you fucking are. Just not directly.
  15. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-merry-christmas-truth-social_n_63a828aae4b0d6724fb71a9b “Merry Christmas to EVERYONE, including the Radical Left Marxists that are trying to destroy our Country, the Federal Bureau of Investigation that is illegally coercing & paying Social and LameStream Media to push for a mentally disabled Democrat over the Brilliant, Clairvoyant, and USA LOVING Donald J. Trump,” the former president wrote.
  16. So when Trump had Covid, it was reported that he wanted to wear a Superman shirt under his dress shirt and expose it to the public upon walking outside.
  17. Simps. I achieved this by plugging a power strip into itself.
  18. No.
  19. I think I'd rather have Skynet.
  20. What in the actual fuck...
  21. Ukraine Nazis actually shat Putin's pants.
  22. Imagine being too crazy for Jones.
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