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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. To Kill a Mockingbird. It's something I was always aware of but admittedly knew nothing about. Didn't read a lot of books growing up so I have some catching up to do. I'm also done with the Oz series. The last book was nuts. I think readers were asking how The Scarecrow came to life and it addresses that.
  2. Those bandages are neat.
  3. His defense of "We're all corrupted" is incredible.
  4. He is facing 23 federal felony charges and he's basically lost his safety net. Wonder how long it takes before he tries to flee the country.
  5. So you've been listening to Taylor Swift?
  6. TIL the Republicans do have a limit.
  7. And everything is moved into the new case.
  8. I recommend eventually picking up Black Mesa if you get the itch to play HL. They really improved and expanded on Zen. My only complaint is that they didn't use the original read style for "They're waiting for you Gordon, in the test chambeerrr"
  9. I noticed you also playing HL and right after the sale. I'd be shocked if you didn't already own the game.
  10. Yeah, those are everywhere. I've been using Honey to check price history. Since I usually window shop for weeks before pulling the trigger, I tend to know what the typical prices are anyway. From what I've shopped around on, Newegg seems to be the worse with fake sales. It's a shame to see what they've turned into.
  11. I don't actually go out or anything. I just look around online for deals on stuff I was already planning on buying.
  12. Make sure you keep food in your stomach and drink plenty of liquid.
  13. Following the day where you're thankful for what you have comes a holiday pushed by corporate America. An event to promote selfishness and to encourage needless consumerism by convincing people that they don't have enough. What did you pick up? I ordered a cheap PC case(Phanteks Eclipse G300A) with a grey 120mm Noctua fan to go with it. Two things I 100% don't need.
  14. https://www.theregister.com/2023/11/22/nuclear_lab_hacked/ The self-described "gay furry hackers" of SiegedSec are back: this time boasting they've broken into America's biggest nuclear power lab's computer systems and stolen records on thousands of employees. Some of that data has already been leaked, it appears. SiegedSec, which also claimed to have breached NATO's IT security on two occasions this year, said it has now hit Idaho National laboratory (INL), which is run by the US Department of Energy's Office of Nuclear Energy. Employee Social Security numbers, physical addresses, and bank account data are among the information said to have been pinched. The lab has at least acknowledged its HR systems suffered a cyberattack. "On Monday, November 20, Idaho National Laboratory determined that it was the target of a cybersecurity data breach in a federally approved vendor system outside the lab that supports INL cloud Human Resources services," spokesperson Lori McNamara told The Register today. "INL has taken immediate action to protect employee data." The boffinry nerve-center has called in the cops and promised to emit more information as the situation evolves. East Idaho News reported it was able to confirm the authenticity of the leaked information with several INL employees, which SiegedSec earlier posted to its Telegram channel. The self-styled furry hackers meanwhile have offered to remove the staff records if the lab performs experiments that at best could be described as highly irregular. "We're willing to make a deal with INL. If they research creating IRL catgirls we will take down this post," the group said. The creation of real cat-human female hybrids is a frequently posted meme in certain corners of the internet, but it's not the laboratory's specialty. According to the hacktivists, the invaders gained access to "hundreds of thousands of user, employee and citizen data," among it full names, dates of birth, email addresses, social security numbers, employment info and "lots lots more!" INL employs more than 6,100 people in and around Idaho Falls at its massive 890-square mile site, which houses the densest concentration of nuclear reactors in the world. The 70-year-old facility has been instrumental in the development of nuclear power, was the home of the first nuclear generator to provide a usable amount of electricity, and developed the first nuclear propulsion system for US Navy submarines. The lab has built and operated 52 nuclear reactors over its life, and continues to research advanced nuclear energy concepts. In addition to nuclear energy research, INL also works on alternative energy solutions, such as improving electric vehicle batteries, plus protecting the power grid, and designing small modular reactors. It's unclear what motivated SiegedSec's attack on INL. In its previous network penetration of NATO the group attributed its actions to the military org's "attacks on human rights," adding that it's also "fun to leak documents."
  15. If only there was a way he could help. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/putin-we-must-think-how-stop-the-tragedy-ukraine-2023-11-22/
  16. Don't really care for it myself but I can see how it could hit some people right in the nostalgia button.
  17. I'm reading this entire series and just finished that book. I always wondered what happened with the Tin Woodman's head and how he could be the same person after it got replaced. This book explains that and it's kinda messed up. It's why I'm typing out this thing that nobody is going to care about. Before anything, I should tell you that nobody dies in Oz....Except for the witches Dorthy killed but whatever. The Tin Woodman is a man named Nick Chopper. Nick loved a Munchkin girl and that pissed off the witch who held her captive. This witch enchanted his axe and one by one, he ended up chopping off all of his body parts. The witch even got in some of fun herself and hacked at his body with his own axe. After every incident, he'd go to a tin smith and he'd make him a new body part. Of course one day he rusted and Dorthy saved him after some time had passed. Eventually the Tin Woodman decides he would find his old sweet heart and marry her thus the adventure began. He claimed that his heart was not capable of love but felt that it was his duty to marry her to reward her loyalty. On this journey, him and his companions(The Scarecrow and a boy named Woot) came across a Tin solider. He had the exact same story has Nick Chopper and even loved the same Munchkin girl. They decide to find her together and let her choose who she would marry. After finding her old home empty, they went to the tin smith who created their bodies to see if he knew her whereabouts. The tin smith wasn't home but they entered his house where Nick Chopper found his old head in a cupboard. This head was still alive. It was cranky and it's personality was different from when Nick had it. It also didn't seem to have any memories besides his name. The tin smith comes home and explains that after finding some magic glue, he used the body parts of both the Tin Woodman and The Tin solider to make a new person. Being short an arm, he had to fashion one out of tin. He also had to shave one leg down to get them to match in length. One day this patchwork person decided he would leave to go adventuring and never came back. You can probably see where this is going. Towards the end of the book, they all find the Munchkin girl. They discovered her and the patchwork man were married. Like Nick's head, the man was very disagreeable, rude and not a lot going on upstairs but it seemed the the girl didn't mind as long as he did basic chores. I Ieft out a lot of the details and other events but that's basically his story. They said their farewells and left her alone.
      • 1
      • Thanks
  18. I've had my suspicions that they intentionally left the jury box uncheck just so they can claim that he didn't receive a fair trial. They have no actual case so they're going with theater.
  19. My takeaways: Trump kept going on spiels instead of answering questions. Trump doesn't how how the court process works(like cross examination and direct examination) and tried speaking out of turn. Judge reminds Trump that the court isn't a political rally. Trump claimed he was president in 2021. Trump tried claiming that the judge simply doesn't know how real estate works. The judge had to ask Trumps lawyer Alina Habba to keep him in check. Alina Habba did some horrible lawyering and promoted her law firm on the back of her laptop. Alina Habba gave a press conference(or interview?) where she lied about what actually happened.
  20. I think they got the hands too big.
  21. I spotted a sign thanking Carlson for his service shortly after his getting canned. Sometimes I hate where I live.
  22. I don't care for the song one way or another. Just thought that a new song by them was interesting.
  23. I mean, he does wear a diaper.
  24. It kills me that some of the people who defend confederate monuments citing the importance of history are the same ones attacking the teaching of our historical inequality and injustices as being 'Woke."
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