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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. https://www.themirror.com/entertainment/celebrity-news/kanye-west-now-banned-performing-389810 Brazil wants none of that crazy.
  2. Texas isn't far enough from my state.
  3. Old but Puddle of Mud transforming the song 'About a Girl' into...something.
  4. Not sure if serious.
  5. Here's to you Toriyama.
  6. Just got done beating the System Shock Remake. Just installed Doom Eternal to play next.
  7. And the longer he delays, the more he'll owe. https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/trump-adds-111k-on-what-he-owes-in-civil-fraud-judgment-every-day-he-refuses-to-pay-it/
  8. Lucifer's Hammer Getting kinda lonely in this thread.
  9. There was never a question on if Trump had done anything to deserve jail, but if he would actually be held accountable. Astonishingly enough, there seems to be no shortage of people willing to step out in front of a bus for him.
  10. Surprised nobody posted this yet. Seems there was an attempted mass shooting Joel Osteen's Texas megachurch. Shooter has a history of metal illness and by the sounds of it, it was a terrorist attack. There were no fatalities during the incident but the shooter's son (yes, she brought her son along) was shot in the head and is not expected to survive. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68277166
  11. Spicy poops. Why are there taste buds down there?
  12. I hate that we're at a point in society where people like this can make bank by essentially being morons.
  13. Timeline
  14. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/rudy-giuliani-defamation-trump-legal-fees-b2485911.html Rudy wants to collect. Also that image above is forgetting the 5 million in the first E. Jean Carroll case so it's more like 88.3 million. His fraud case may have him pay somewhere around 250 million.
  15. Zero chance that Trump isn't going to open his mouth again.
  16. System Shock Remake
  17. Dude is legitimately nuts. Kanye needs to take his medication so he'll stop saying and doing dumb shit.
  18. So is his penis a crime? I don't understand why she feels everybody needs to see it.
  19. I just read it front to back(for the most part) because I'm a bit lazy. It's also rather chaotic that way. If you really want to get into it, you should flip back and forth between pages as they reference one another. You can pause and research the material online and really go down a rabbit hole. I would imagine doing it that way would take forever and would be a lot of work. Some people only read one "Author" at a time. Like they'd go through just the Navidson story and then go back and read Johnny's entries. I recommend one of the first two options but it depends on what you're into.
  20. https://www.wral.com/story/should-trump-be-banned-from-ballot-in-north-carolina-state-courts-could-soon-decide/21214597/
  21. Jurassic Park.
  22. Let's hope more states do this. Edit: Just found this. https://truthout.org/articles/alaska-considers-joining-colorado-in-disqualifying-trump-from-primary-ballot/
  23. The Time Machine. Much shorter than I thought it would be.
  24. Or assume he's doing the opposite.
  25. https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2023/12/17/7433423/ Putin is now threatening Finland because of their NATO membership.
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