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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. So kinda like Thunderpants. ... I have no idea how many of you are aware of that movie.
  2. It was mostly an hour and a half of the rambling he usually does. I couldn't make it past 10 minutes.
  3. Can it really get through a diaper like that?
  4. I'd like to expand on the events. The The National Archives asked Trump for the documents. Trump handed over only some of the boxes. They requested a warrant. The FBI cooperated with Trumps team to carry out the warrant while the Trump wasn't there. The FBI searched his property in plain clothes to keep things on the DL. Trump moved and hid many of the boxes before the search. Trump has claimed he was able to declassify documents with his mind. Trump has claimed that they belong to him. Trump has claimed that the FBI were ready to used deadly force while "Raiding" Mar-a-Lago. We then had the whole thing with Judge Cannon and Judge Thomas. Trump was handled with kid gloves and has been given special treatment. Any other person would have been convicted by now. Despite this, Trump is still being a whiny shithead and calling foul. I hate everything about this.
  5. Fuuuuuccccck. What do you bet she's trying to use the assassination attempt as a distraction.
  6. I'm not surprised.
  7. I'm not saying I condone murder but I'm surprised it took this long.
  8. Favorite moment.
  9. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c1wej84e9l7o.amp Russia had plotted to kill the head of Germany's biggest arms company Rheinmetall, Armin Papperger.
  10. Really the only good thing that came out of the Pop-eye movie. She really was perfect for the role.
  11. And AOC introduced articles of impeachment for Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. I'm not getting my hopes up but at least they're trying. https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/07/10/congress/blumenauer-biden-drop-out-reelection-house-democrats-00167452
  12. Trump-appointed judge in Alaska resigns after investigation finds he had ‘inappropriately sexualized relationship’ https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/trump-appointed-judge-in-alaska-resigns-after-investigation-finds-he-had-inappropriately-sexualized-relationship/ar-BB1pGfPb?ocid=BingNewsSerp "According to the complaint, Kindred treated his law clerks “in a demonstrably egregious and hostile manner.” The report cites witness accounts and hundreds of pages of text messages detailing inappropriate and vulgar comments Kindred made to his law clerks. Specifically, the report alleges that Kindred “discussed his past dating life, his romantic preferences, his sex life, the law clerks’ boyfriends and dating lives, his divorce, his interest in and communications with potential romantic or sexual partners, and his disparaging opinions of his colleagues.” Kindred also made disparaging comments about public and political figures, the report says, citing several specific examples. “In the few instances where clerks came to Judge Kindred to discuss his inappropriate behavior, they were belittled or ostracized, and, in one instance, a clerk left the clerkship,” the report adds."
  13. On a related note, Russia's economy recently dropped out of the top 10.
  14. Some good news. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/ballot-drop-boxes-legal-again-in-wisconsin-after-state-supreme-court-ruling
  15. This post is going to concern a few comments and not just the one I'm quoting. I've thought quite a bit about the internet's connection to what seems like an increase in trashy behavior but never really put anything into words. There are a lot of elements and nuances to consider. Accessibility, tribalism, egotism, narcissism, validation, dopamine, willful ignorance, naivety and education to name a few. Naivety and lack of critical thinking makes misinformation easily digestible. Everything is easily accessible online. It doesn't take much to find people that have the similar views. I'm sure I don't have to explain what an echo-chamber is. Egotism leads to willful ignorance. Nobody wants to admit that they're wrong and will latch onto that misinformation and not let go. They'll move goal posts or outright deny objective facts. Tribalism also plays a big part in this. Once they're in their echo-chamber, it becomes "Us vs Them." At this point, it doesn't matter who's right or wrong. They want their side to win and will cut off their nose to spite their face. Like an child acting out for attention, some people will do anything for clout or views. The world has become a much smaller place since the rise of the internet. There is no shortage of people who will encourage asshatery online. I believe that in observing these large groups, it becomes normalized and more people start viewing it as acceptable. Suddenly trashy behavior is viewed favorably and is mimicked. It becomes cool. I think our education system do can more to help. Teach critical thinking below college level, teach etiquette, teach respect, consideration and mental fortification. Teach the importance of being that best version of you that you can be. I feel sorry for teachers nowadays. Something has to be done to counteract the culture of shitty behavior and narcissism. Of course the Right hates education. They want people to be ignorant and selfish so they'll work against their own self interests. They want a population that will take their propaganda hook, line and sinker. I'm just some guy who's looking at the world through a monitor, though. Maybe the increase of cameras and the availability of endless content just makes the world seem worse. Maybe I wasn't paying as much attention before.
  16. Heheheheh
  17. https://morelle.house.gov/media/press-releases/congressman-joe-morelle-authoring-constitutional-amendment-reverse-us-supreme
  18. WITCH! :p
  19. Thanks guys. Trophies for all.
  20. I mean, if you want your village to be burned down.
  21. Like that would stop anybody.
  22. How do I get the magic smoke to go back in? Don't take this seriously.
  23. Putin and Kim Jong Un made a defense pact and appear to be besties now. I bet Trump is heart broken. https://apnews.com/article/north-korea-russia-kim-jong-un-putin-military-assistance-war-d9bb8aee7eb1a692b932337578fb3e30
  24. Bram Stoker's Dracula.
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