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Everything posted by Lasty

  1. It would cut our carbon emissions faster than anything else we could do, by a wide margin. All that unsustainable infrastructure, gone...
  2. Lasty


  3. Lasty


  4. Everyone needs personal space if you ask me; it's not mutually inclusive with your gender, gender identity, sexual preferences, or anything else... "Man Cave" is nomenclature following the tradition of the racist and sexist implications of the declaration of independence in which only white males are considered human.
  5. Not since I got back into Minecraft after years of not playing... The difficulty curve, explorability and lots of other things have changed and for a while I couldn't get very far. Now I tend to build a base and stay inside. I'm not leaving to really explore until I have max enchanted gear. I just braved a trip to the nether and almost died twice, but I have a brewing stand now. I also have three mob grinders (two with spawners, - skeletons and spiders, & one normal mob grinder) a farm with melons. I hit the point where it's boring and grind-y for a million years for enchanting, which is the part where the temptation to take a break from exp grinding & explore to break the monotony is high...
  6. Malicious, no. Rude? Perhaps. Maybe laugh if the fall was particularly comical... and only after checking one is alright? Personally, I wouldn't mind, but some people are sensitive and that's fair.
  7. What do you consider an objective stance, if not science? I'm sorry, but that is ludicrous. No one can ever be 100% objective, but that doesn't mean science isn't the best tool at our disposal, again, by many orders of magnitude.... Politics is like, 0.00000000000000000000000000001% objective and you're complaining about science only being 99.99999999999999999% objective.... No system will ever be perfect. A resource based economy is just a lot better than what we have.
  8. I didn't say it couldn't exist in the absence of money; I said that money is the chief contributing factor. I would add that this is so by many orders of magnitude more than any other contributing factor. It is easy to claim that greed is human nature when we have used money for thousands of years, enabling greed to grow. That could make it seem like human nature, but money was causing it the whole time, not human nature. Human nature is better reflected by parents that care for their children for decades into adulthood even though they receive no immediate personal benefit. Our species has expanded to every corner of the globe because of our ability to organize with mutual aid. The only way to be sure whether corruption persists in the absence of money is to stop using money and see what happens. There is no reason to go on playing monopoly when the actual resources being spent on the idea of money are orders of magnitude too expensive; we only have one habitable planet and we'll need two more just like this one to keep up with our current rate of consumption. There is no way to solve our problems with the same thinking that created them.
  9. A resource based economy is not a barter system, it's a system that has never been tried before, which is great considering the fact that everything else we've tried have been colossal failures. Even countries that do well on the happiness index and have low corruption are not able to solve problems on a global scale due to being surrounded by highly corrupted systems; we cannot solve our problems by isolation. We will thrive or fall as a species, all together as one family, whether we manage to get along or not. The choice... is ours....
  10. Jacque himself said that it wouldn't be perfect, and he strictly avoided utopian rhetoric, noting that the environment is always changing and no one system will ever be perfect for all situations, and any decent system must be capable of change. (unlike our current system that promises change over and over again without any intention of actually solving tangible problems if it's not a profitable process) This a transient paradise, not an unchanging utopia. To me, it certainly represents the best of what human knowledge, skills and tools have to offer.
  11. Money is the platform on which corruption rests. It's not just putting scientists in charge, but the elimination of the monetary system, and you've overlooked that very important element. It absolutely solves for corruption. The thing about science is that it is not subject to individual interpretation, and the opinion oriented political system we have now uses subjective rhetoric to swindle people. This is not possible in science. Corruption left over from the monetary system might persist at first, but it would not have an easy time of weaseling it's way into positions of authority, and after a few generations it would disappear lacking the chief environmental factor contributing to it. Politics is very far removed from science, and society distrusts politicians increasingly, proportional to the growth of scientific literacy.
  12. than any amount of monetary reparations. We can't solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. America was founded by asshats who didn't want to give up their slaves or, by extension, their money.
  13. Or it's fun to speculate and some people are idiots for either not noticing or, worse, intentionally ignoring that obvious fact.
  14. Change the lock.
  15. It's not an analogy if it's real. o_o
  16. everything is slow for a few seconds while the game loads adjacent chunks. Maybe that's why we feel tired in the morning? The simulation has to load the world? Your real body is a computer.
  17. Lasty


    Portland, Oregon is unaffected. Normal for this time of year; cold & moist.
  18. Lasty


    I don't milk. Sandwiches, though... I'd use a wish or three on a good sandwich.
  19. Is it? I missed it if so.
  20. How so when you can't just consume whatever / whenever? O_o
  21. Link?
  22. Clearly, you're not lazy enough. I'm still asleep, for example.
  23. What have you done to your metabolism? o_O
  24. That goes without saying, yes?
  25. Lasty

    Did you know?

    Well, they need to hurry up and mature because I need them to clean up after my happy ass.
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