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Everything posted by Lasty

  1. Just a bunch of (probably) fascist morons blowing a joke out of proportion. I mean, yeah, I started with personal attacks, but against fascists? You're going to retaliate with personal attacks when I'm poking fun at... fascists.... riiight
  2. I literally did exactly that, with the forum button in my profile and everything.
  3. Again, time is relative
  4. Yeah, and I've spent much less time than that here. Time is relative; it's new to me in the context of my unevenedge clock. You failed to perform a Lorentz transformation.
  5. I find it to be spot on. Babbling had a couple of cool peeps earlier on in the period I started posting there, but it rapidly degenerated into a dumpster fire. People arguing about politics never really solved anything or brightened anyone's day.
  6. But you're traveling through time at the rate of one second per second, constantly.
  7. I thought we didn't have one, but we do. Babbling was always a dumpster fire, and the new name is much more appropriate.
  8. Like trying to hijack a Segway
  9. Why TF would you want to do jury duty?
  10. NV is best FO
  11. Where were you for my tiny camper build thread? :|
  12. Probably not.
  13. Parody thread. I couldn't think of an angle
  14. You know what? I'm not sure where I was going with that. It felt funnier in my head than when I started typing it out.
  15. Lasty

    New tow hitch

    It's finished. All one piece and thicker metal so it's overkill and won't break. Unlike one of the bolts holding the caster wheel on the front that I had to tighten today. Glad to not have that as my main mode of transportation anymore XD
  16. Much better than the prototype. The actual mounting mechanism is all there is left to worry about. Thinking of welding a vehicle trailer tow hitch on there.
  17. Quit by knocking his teeth in
  18. A lot of characters in the show did give their pokemon names. The Eevee brothers did, if I remember correctly.
  19. Too difficult to prove... or it was just a regular nature made virus. That's possible too.
  20. You may have witnessed ball lightning. Neat, that's super rare.
  21. The amount of people not wearing masks here... etc... We're completely vulnerable to biological weapons, and we're the ones who made it? Sounds like a "ye who smelled it dealt it" kind of situation.... If it was manufactured, it was Russia. Between hacking our election to get a bigoted pumpkin baby man elected, it would make a great pincer attack... against the U.S.
  22. that's... One way to kick start your day... o_O
  23. True.
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