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Everything posted by Lasty

  1. Lasty


    I am a gentlebean
  2. Was it "TILT"? I lost my Pokemon cards in there once...
  3. *hugs* :3 so glad to see everyone who's still kickin'.
  4. pucker up :|
  5. at least 105k for Last_Words, pretty sure I got to at least 110k but I'm not sure.
  6. The bobble heads in your sig really tie it together
  7. ermahglerb hai
  8. Probably? >,>;
  9. D=
  10. I think I know the one you're thinking of, it was something like, "tell lies about the user above you" or something like that. I don't remember the title either.
  11. then go tell dudeco
  12. I'm like the Evander Holyfield of replying with youtube music videos. Had a whole alt made for it once and everything.
  13. Obviously not
  14. I'd get a third opinion
  15. mmk cos I was referencing it.... go watch it nao
  16. Good people don't die very easily
  17. Have you never seen O Brother, Where Art Thou? >_> It's a classic
  18. Now you're just spraying spit in my ear
  19. I'd have put you on my list, but I don't actually remember you from before... >_______>
  20. B& for shoult outs >.>; <_<; StarPanda, Skiles, mumbojummie13, Curlymafurly, 1pooh4u, BloodHawk1991, helpme, TigerEye, TsumeBlue, crushrose, TrigunBebop, DarksidexXx, Death_is_Coming, Doom_Metal_Alchemist, txanimeluva, ITasteLeikSex, God-Says-No, Tetsusaiga_775, BunnyBomber, Killme_then_Kissme, farnsworth2, myname, Bouvre3, Rogue_Alphonse, Master-Debater131, ShowItTaMe, LDK_SPARDA, Raptorpat, klinkinparkfan, psycho_raven, PHYCO_KILLER_COW, MoonGoddess17, to name a few
  21. Welp, now I just can't hear you at all.
  22. That train is bona fide
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