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Everything posted by Lasty

  1. It wouldn't be the same without the drugs, or fires.
  2. Lasty

    Did you know?

    Be sure to report your findings.
  3. Lasty

    Did you know?

    Cooked, in this instance.
  4. Lasty

    Did you know?

    Curry wakame seaweed with sesame oil
  5. Lasty

    Did you know?

    They ate some of it... not all of it, though.
  6. Crows are not terribly interested in ramen noodles.
  7. Said the guy who made the cookies so enticing in the first place
  8. I think it's just an homage to the original Rick & Morty, Mr. Peabody and Sherman. Quiet, you.
  9. God Says: No
  10. Babies are loud. All they do is cry and shit, keep you awake at obscene hours of the night. You would want a break, too.
  11. Volcanoes: tectonic zit popping
  12. Also, if Billy had long hair: https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=540983
  13. Anyone else notice the Billy Idol theme? "White wedding" https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=540881 "Sister, what have you done?" https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=541119 The candles... https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=541041 The window breaking, seriously... https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=540867
  14. Edit: Sorry, this is a buffet, and you said one item, but what I mean by this is any one Studio Ghibli food item. They draw it so it looks so good. @__@ Now I'm hungry
  15. Lasty

    A fart so big

    Sure you can, you just have to fart every time you see them. Then you're the farting guy and everything is nominal.
  16. Lasty


  17. 2000 IS the mayonnaise
  18. I can has your snow?
  19. How much fun did you have, honestly?
  20. She didn't get you a steam deck? She doesn't love you at all. D=
  21. Alieums: "This guy isn't even trying to raise that kid, and he's blaming the kid for his negligence..." Alieums #2: "Yes. His fear of being seen as a failure conflicts with his desire to not do jack shit" Alieums: "We made a mistake." Alieums #2: "Yes."
  22. What about that rare item drop you really have to grind for? You'll get it if you just keep grinding.
  23. I love you. I have loved you from the second I saw you. I couldn't imagine my life without you. Will you marry me? o.o;
  24. *high five*
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