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Everything posted by Lasty

  1. NOPE! It’s just Chuck Testa.
  2. Gotta put yourself out there where ever you can. Open Mic nights are always fun.
  3. There's a smaller one that lives in the woods where I camp out. I think her nest is a lot farther away from my spot but I hear her hooting now and again. One night I was on my way up the trail and she was right there on a branch in front of me. We just stood there staring at eachother until I tried to get closer for a better look, which I did get for just a second before she swivelled her head all crazy like and took off. Owls are super cool. >_>
  4. Old Chum
  5. Yea except I live in the Pacific Northwest...
  6. 'kay
  7. Tater tots... sound sooo good right now... *salivates
  8. Most of the things I care about are.
  9. No, you don't. You live in a place you've been told is Arkansas.
  10. I do ^___^
  11. Do you have owls?
  12. Thanks.
  13. Fuck, it already exists...
  14. Also, "Stomping Grounds" will be the name of the cafe I open one day...
  15. Enough! I'm done playing Robin Hood peace keeper guy. Moved to a different neighbourhood, I live out in the woods now and I cross a really tall bridge on my way into town every day. Guess how often the cops get called on the people I hang with now as opposed to before? Zero, never. This is a much better stomping grounds. I have the time and space I need to sort out my thoughts and work on my art. Got a new guitar, pulled my banjo out of storage, and I've got a buddy I'll probably start a band with after a while. It was starting to get ridiculous out there. I'm super happy for me.
  16. Please. everyone knows Arkansas doesn't actually exist. It's like Nebraska.
  17. There's still a minecraft server for this place? o_O
  18. Let's take over a research lab so we can get some of that stem cell action and stay young forevuurrrr @_@
  19. Yuuup. It's the opposite of boring.
  20. I was thinking of naming it Lucille after Negan's baseball bat... Nah... probably Laphiel or something like that... No, Laphiel is good. I just decided while I was typing this #@_@
  21. All the better when you get revenge with a cute selfie...
  22. Would not want to be deaf there... @_@ Gotta be sooo careful
  23. Elephant Ears
  24. I smashed my finger like, two weeks ago and the the swelling just recently went down. I feel them feels. 30 feels pretty old.
  25. New stuff is always great. I got a new guitar recently!
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