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Everything posted by Lasty

  1. Everyone knows hiccups caused the holocaust, man.
  2. Lasty


    Good for you.
  3. Lasty


    I think you're thinking of drugs.
  4. Lasty


  5. You prefer dry and cold? or Moist and warm?
  6. Lasty


    It's free and it doesn't hurt.
  7. WORST -_'
  8. Wouldn't that just be regular paralysis?
  9. Getting my phone charged at the local rad coffee shop, being moist and cold.
  10. An actor badly pretending to mess stuff up for an infomercial? I can't see myself stooping that low...
  11. No excuses. Get back to work! > -_'
  12. ... 'kay...
  13. Some forgotten myth...
  14. I was talking about my exciting new career as a real estate shark.
  15. Cats. It's always cats...
  16. She doesn't. Not only do you not know her, but she probably didn't even actually notice you at all. You have no talent, unless you're trolling, in which case, bravo. You've developed a seamless veneer that would fool just about anyone.
  17. Gimme! @_@
  18. Welcome, welcome back.
  19. The smelliest
  20. Once upon a time, yea.
  21. is a lot like opening the fridge over and over again to check for something to eat...
  22. CTFU O0 :420: :brownbottle:
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