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Everything posted by Lasty

  1. That... changes nothing.
  2. Chickens...
  3. Lasty

    We need

    That's lame wtf
  4. No.... I won't
  5. Lasty

    We need

    farnsworth2 Diabolical_Jazz TrigunBebop LizardLionEagle Deathiscoming and others...
  6. Peacocking will never go away.
  7. Too soon? >_>
  8. No, YOU'RE welcome.
  9. Don't be angry, just disappointed...
  10. make it so
  11. because science
  12. I want to do LSD in space. @_@ Okay, now you.
  13. New flute...
  14. Pics or it didn't happen
  15. Invited Diabolical_Jazz to hang out.
  16. Where can I get one of those?
  17. Sleep. Marijuana. Music. Sleep again.
  18. Have you ever worked for tips?
  19. I'm still hanging around for some reason... huh. Would you look at that. I don't think I've seen you around since the old boards shut down. =o
  20. If they have to pay taxes on their tips, tipping less than 20% is basically pointless, you're costing them money at that point...
  21. Being a stingy, selfish idiot? No, I do not know what you're talking about...
  22. Lasty


    I lost my Cowboy Bebop avatar in the move.... Also, the classic emoticons are gone. >__>
  23. Lasty


    Is this better than before? Gimme the skinny folks
  24. Lasty

    Har har har

  25. Lasty

    Har har har

    Why fuck paint cow! Why you do zis?
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