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Everything posted by Lasty

  1. goofball https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srteC0TKTfM
  2. Roses are red. Violets are blue. What the fuck is that smell? I think that it's you...
  3. Wood burning fireplaces are where it's at.
  4. https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--U0Jr4Ul3--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/ycnzpf2576xo4dkvu5zm.jpg[/img]
  5. ... You should have eaten the mouse your cat left for you so it could live on as a part of you. You have dishonoured the spirit of that little creature.
  6. Can it really be a coincidence that everyone I've met named Dan was an asshole?
  7. Definitely homones.
  8. I dunno, man. I think you’re the pussy here. You’re always really mean to people online but irl you’d get beat up for it. And like, post was really vague, the fuck do you know about what I’m doing in life? Idiot.
  9. Plausibly... It’s possible that I could get the chance to talk to her again, but I don’t think I could arrange it right now.
  10. Where did I see that recently...
  11. Wait... so you are, then? What does it even mean? ::spin::
  12. Neither...
  13. Indeed...
  14. That's her business, not yours.
  15. Too many things I keep trying to tell myself... but I miss her a lot.
  16. Lasty

    Majestic AF

    The hairline is clearly irrelevant.
  17. Lasty

    Majestic AF

    That beard is epic, bro.
  18. I can only hope not to be one myself...
  19. Oh... >_>; v_v
  20. No, it was just DMT. I was seriously not paying attention. To me, it's hard to say exactly what kind of world we live in, but I do know that there's more to it than the established scientific community purports. Experiences on and off of hallucinogens have demonstrated that much to me beyond a shadow of a doubt. I have no urgent need to convince anyone else; what I've seen is for me and any claim I make is ultimately anecdotal, not solid science. When people get fanatical about these things it's because they are experiencing some cognitive dissonance with incomplete information...
  21. They never weren't snakes...
  22. I took that for the first time on accident. I was totally not paying attention, lost in thought, and I had the notion weed was being passed to me... Everything was pulsating like a heartbeat, all together and in unison. Like, the pulse of living vitality of reality itself. That was a cool one.
  23. I get visual effects when I look at complex images like leaves in a tree or the patterns in a side walk even when not tripping now. They don't move at all, they just pop up and freeze in place. At any rate, you should smoke more weed.
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