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Still Me

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Everything posted by Still Me

  1. I’ve become addicted to the lemonade from chick fil a...but they put too much damn ice in there
  3. If I wanted to I would
  4. is it ded?
  5. Yeah...what is about as accurate as it’s gonna get huh?
  6. Wanna go lawyer that too?
  7. Yeah way back in the day. But I’m too much of a cunt, and I personally don’t give a fuck what people think of me here anymore. If someone is that petty and pathetic to bully someone at their age, it says more about them then no matter what they could ever say about you. and people who condone that type of behavior and encourage it are as much garbage as the persons doing the mocking. then the miserable pieces of shit that remain can stay where they are in their own special toxic “safe space” until they inevitably turn on each other. Then they will cry victim, come crawling back into masses they tossed aside before because they have isolated themselves and have zero options left.
  8. Probably not as entertaining as how you’re going to lose yours
  9. He can’t though
  10. Oh how cute... Quackers is coming to protect you
  11. I’m sure you can have a shit dog... you certainly deserve it
  12. AWWW... why y’all got a guilt trip me lol... He’s such a good boy
  13. I hate showering and getting ready to go out only to walk out of the house and it’s raining
  14. like....song? Cause big bad wolf has been in my head for like 2 weeks
  15. punching old ladies in motorized carts
  16. you dont, you are now one with the glitter
  17. do your calls always start with hollow flattery....everytime I’m like “yeah shut the fuck up and get to the point, I got shit to do”
  18. I love all of this
  19. the new Lola isn’t sexy, they ruined her
  20. So you want to pass a law stopping them from having sex? dude everyone does some nefarious shit...not just politicians. They are humans too, they are not perfect. And the expectation that they have to be some perfect person is bullshit. now if they are fucking minors? That’s already a law. If they are taking bribes be it in monetary gains or sexual? Yeah already a law. But them having an affair in their wives? It’s a breach of the marriage contract between two individuals, but not illegal. And making it illegal for them, makes it illegal for you and everyone else. We have enough people in this country incarcerated as it is, you wanna throw cheaters in there? We’d be a society of nothing but prisoners
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