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Still Me

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Everything posted by Still Me

  1. Dude let’s get nabs asshole tattooed on my ass hole
  2. You payin?
  3. Y’all acting like I care what it is...I dont
  4. That would be BA not gonna lie.
  5. and say whoever donates the most gets to choose the tattoo I get, would y’all do it? ...I need some exterior pain to match the internal
  6. because he was an asshole and I told him that as I left
  7. they’re just multivitamins.
  8. like shit
  9. I’ve been boiling water to I can have lukewarm baths
  10. of no hot water
  11. well it’s a good thing both are shit amirite?
  12. This is why I didn’t have to work today
  13. Ooooooooo...I don’t know how to do those affects
  14. Girl back in bed? Shit I never left
  15. Are you kidding me? It’s 9° outside... my nipple would cut his face
  16. OK so we have like maybe an inch and a half of snow on the ground... and I grew up in New York so this ain’t shit but... Biden issued a state of emergency and we have rolling blackouts... my boss text me at 8o’clock and said that they didn’t have power and I should plan on coming in later... my shift started at 10 and I shot him a message and asked him what he would like me to do... and so we still don’t have power and he says we might not even open today.... and I got to say I’m mildly pissed off about it🤣
  17. Yeah...but Vegeta.... lol
  18. Cause I tried to do it and I think I failed...
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