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Everything posted by PerfectFlowingHair

  1. {witty statement goes here}
  2. I for one think we should encourage this new side of him. >.>
  3. Aw c'mon. So Zeni likes traps. I fail to see the problem here...
  4. Autoplay EVERYWHERE needs to die in a fire. If I wanna play something, I'll click the stupid "play" button. I will gladly donate as much fire as necessary to make this happen.
  5. OH MY GOD. I'm picturing a chihuahua howling at the moon saying this.
  6. Yeah I walked right into that one... still, pass. Spoken for.
  7. Robut, robit, spooder, Internet Exploder. I also like "swoopy".
  8. Your picture doesn't even state who's speaking, or in what context... so if I made a mistake in thinking he's not a supremacist, could I have a source that makes sense?!
  9. Original video. He fucking disavowed Neo-Nazis and KKK literal seconds before getting punched.
  10. Hooray! Now for even more bitching on both sides of the aisle! Seriously, between all the cries of God-Emperor and Fuhrer, I'm ready to just go on a punching spree.
  11. I'll be working, but maaaaybe I'll tune in to see would-be protestors get demolished.
  12. Try calling instead of texting. She'd probably appreciate voice communication better than silent texting - and it's easier to forget to respond to a text than to derp up live talking. If she doesn't pick up, though, leave a message and just wait. Nothing worse than spam calling. Credentials: I'm on the spectrum and would much rather deal with a phone call than texting. Texts are useful sure, but they get appended to a multitasking FAR too easily.
  13. Pfft. I've fapped 24 hours straight before. All-nighter baby. I have no proof and you have no way to verify this, but I definitely did that.
  14. Holy shit dude. There's a wall between politics and the fun zone for a reason. Take your politics over the wall to the editorials area.
  15. Sure, I'll play. Teh females.
  16. Hey, maybe one of those old spinsters will buy him a drink. You never know.
  17. Wait, you're not?
  18. As advertised, it's a bunch of guys cruisin' down the road on a little adventure together. And honestly, it doesn't feel much of anything like the old FF games. It's still fucking amazing. The world is beautiful, the character interactions are seamless {and good job turning cutscenes into gameplay}, the truck stops are hilarious. Accept a hunting contract, and you're told to "get 'er done". Fights are real-time {FINALLY! Not that garbage trolling they pulled with FFXII where it's on the world map but still turn-based}. Your party members don't suck even though you can't control them directly. They know how to revive the fallen leader - TAKE NOTE GOOFY AND DONALD! Combat has me guzzling down healing items for the first time in an FF title. Oh, and the car? Love it. Super customizable. You can play sweet tunes while driving, and you can even have one of your buddies drive for you if you suck at directions. And even if it plays little like the games that came before it, it's got plenty of nods to earlier titles. Also I think I caught myself drooling a little over Ignis. >.> EEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....... okay I may have fangasmed a bit hard. O_o
  19. Confetti for the Mewninite! Congrats on becoming ancient!
  21. Look man, I'm not a tabloid writer, nor do I work for Buzzfeed. You get what you get, Nessie.
  22. I'm gonna need details here. Like, what services do I have to provide? What's the clientele like? Where is this located? >.> <.<
  23. SHIT! Funny thing is, that's more true than false. ;D
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