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Everything posted by PerfectFlowingHair

  2. Yep! Any kind. As long as it's a real pie made for eating, though, not some disgusting slop designed for a pie-in-the-face fundraiser. Eurgh, I wasn't even pied and I still remember the hideous smell.
  3. Put glitter in, get glitter out. Neat. I'ma... just smile and nod.
  4. trying to escape
  5. Psh. If you think that's freaky, wait'll you--I mean I'm totally pure as the driven snow! Yeah! >.> <.<
  6. Awwwh. Spoopy. But that girl in your sig knows how to put on the moves >.>
  7. Congratulations! The sparklies were mutant-power-granting radioactive dustings! Mewn, you have powers over cakes, pies, and certain types of cookies. Azalar, you gain the power to command bread and scones. Use these powers well.
  8. You get off on this, don't you?
  9. http://kurotenshidai.deviantart.com/art/World-s-End-Dancehall-368970111 http://vaxzone.deviantart.com/art/Vocaloid-World-s-End-Dance-Hall-556512112 Super sexy and super clothed Miku/Luka cosplays. No escape!
  10. Hey, who was that guy who posted entire Wikipedia articles in response to dumb threads?
  11. Voted by mail too, a solid month plus before the actual due date. Get on muh level.
  12. Sorry bud, but I don't have a thing for pink goop getting near my anything...
  13. Chocolate donut with unknown sparkly.
  14. Yeah sure sparkly coffee. Go nuts.
  15. The catch: you don't get to know what makes it sparkle until after you eat it.
  16. of sparkly donuts
  17. that cheated on
  18. Donald Tran with the hot dickings?
  19. Disagree. This is one thing we don't need. Now, "board sex fiend" I can get into.
  20. Great. Just don't cross me or I'll delete you from the Internet.
  21. when Hillary fucks
  22. I hate your snarky conformist bullshit. I hate politics in general. I hate your political opinion {and I truly don't care what it is}. I hate your face. I hate that I don't have a genie granting me wishes. I hate that I still have to grind out work stuffs for monies. I hate traffic. I hate the lack of left-turn lanes on my route to work. I hate being addicted to Monster energy drinks. I hate not knowing everything. I hate that if I knew everything, I would hate that. Did I mention I hate your face?
  23. Except this one makes sense. >.>
  24. *kills your brother* that's what ya get Oh, my favorite is ordering a demon to kill one of its own kind and it complies like it's nothing. I kinda feel bad for that.
  25. But I need that too--whatever, fuck it.
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