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Everything posted by PerfectFlowingHair

  1. Star Wars is shit and Yoda is the dumbest character in the series. At least Jar Jar Binks provides a brief moment of enjoyability to an otherwise stale piece of garbage.
  2. Whatever, dork. My next class doesn't start til May 22 so can't really do anything til then. Dork.
  3. Came here to say this. I shrugged after the first page of Atlas Shrugged and moved on to more interesting stuff, like watching paint dry.
  4. The same twats who cancelled ATHF and thought "hey let's get as surreal as possible and make ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE." Eurgh.
  5. And you haven't already done this why?
  6. Yes, but that part wasn't always publicly known.
  7. UR FAISE is shit and never going to get better *throws chair*
  8. "a little" I bet there's terabytes of erotic Inuyasha fanfiction out there, and 90% of it involves doggy style.
  9. Caitlyn Jenner medaled in the Olymics as Bruce Jenner, then became Caitlyn Jenner, got on the cover of Vanity Fair, was a poster child for trans rights til she declared she was Republican. Good luck getting any traction as a trans Republican.
  10. Oh good god the [AS] comics are absolutely terrifying. As is the Etcetera page. No wonder we're all a bunch of misfits! Only misfits could truly enjoy Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Inuyasha.
  11. I mean, I've got two hands here.
  12. sliding off and desperately trying to grapple back on top. Kayak is definitely the far more practical option.
  13. I did not call Captain Floof a dork, you dork. I called you a dork like the dork you are. *stands up*
  14. I wouldn't call it offensive, just lowbrow. I mean, who wouldn't want to ride a banana that huge? :fap:
  15. You may be a dork, but you're our dork. <3
  16. Just one... more... post... {okay im actually gettin' sleep after this}
  17. Ideal? Getting assigned as a minor deity to guide those still in the mortal coil. There's 300+ million people I wish to slap into shape, at a minimum, and quite possibly several times more than that. As long as I have powers to enforce the commandments I bestow upon humanity {LOOKING AT YOU, CHRISTIAN GOD} then everything will be awesome. :3
  18. ...must do all the things... night has time I can use it right... right? *zzzzzzzzzz*
  19. I just want to point out that this is an excellent opener to a porno flick.
  20. I am so much more than a **bleep**!
  21. I mean, I'd hang out with you still...
  22. Furry Fantasy XIV
  23. I wasn't here for those times, so shush. So, um... my list. Hm. Uhhhhh MEXobiologist Mewn Admin {but only if he gibs uber mod powers, I have standards} End list. Yeah I'm picky.
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