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Everything posted by PerfectFlowingHair

  1. Oh god there's two Narakus. Naraku4656: has seen the apocalypse of the previous world and is working to stop this apocalypse. Naraku360: fucking Loki I swear.
  2. Oh. You. YOU. You tried to hack my sex drive the other day! It didn't work. It never works.
  3. Hey, you come up with a scheme to drive clicks, okay?!
  4. Trying to legalize prostitution is political seppuku. >.>
  5. SwimModSponges: Dangerously powerful in the multiverse and must be stopped Luuv (Admin): NAZI MOD PLS BAN MEXobiologist: Secretly lobbying Congress for a brothel license Mthor: Convinced the Illuminati to adopt feminism Phillies: Legally married to Hatsune Miku Ben0119: Secretly masturbates to Donald Trump BooThickemz: Actually a marijuana leaf; the sexy woman is just a front naraku360: Is a character in Persona 5 Dane: Secretly makes his money doing stand-up comedy Master-Debater131: Secretly masturbates to Donald Trump Gary Johnson Definitely missed a bunch of you >.> don't really know the whole userbase that well
  6. Okay now you're just moving in on my knives schtick. Of course, I've kinda not used it sooooooo I guess you can have it ^.^
  7. [urlhttps://www.amazon.com/Sweetie-Pie-Collection-Dazzling-Desserts/dp/1577192761]Or... buy his pastry cookbook. Maybe.[/url] I mean, if I made pastries...
  8. First stop: Dunkin Donuts. "Hi, I'd like a dozen assorted donuts. What kind? The ones with holes. NO I DONT CARE WHICH FLAVOR." Repeat at Einstein's Bagels... which, funny enough, would be less awkward.
  9. Is this the one with the trying to re-ignite the Sun? Previews look way dark for my tastes ._. i am not a fan of horror stuffs btw
  10. This is how the machine revolution happens. You let it control part of your life, then it records your voice patterns and sends them up to Master Computer, who then makes a virus clone of you with all your habits. Then we gotta get Tron to fix everything. Don't suppose YOU know how to get a hold of Tron? {ugh, why am I so angry in every one of my posts}
  11. I'm thinking borscht? Maybe vodka. Or perhaps borscht WITH vodka.
  12. Not with that attitude. >.> <.<
  13. Oh stop it you. *blush*
  14. Jason Bourne (2016) So, um, there's this evil CIA plot to spy on people, yeah? And something something stop it and stuffs. Also action scenes. And, y'know... stuff! ... ... Bourne is no Bond. Yeesh, I actually came close to falling asleep on this one.
  15. So. Much. Yes. Goin' on a quest for Daxter's pants! And I guess some Precursor artifacts and saving the world >.>
  16. Okay, that's one of y'all one-upping me. Anyone else?! *glares at rest of thread*
  17. PANSIES. ALL OF YOU. 60 is super-warm short sleeve weather for me. Sometimes even 50. Buncha southies. *used to be a weenie Southie*
  18. What dragonballs were blue? There's the normal yellow balls {that go inert}, the black balls that fuck your galaxy up unless you find them all, but blue? SSGSSSGSGSGSGSGSGSGS Goku has blue hair, but not blue balls...
  19. Never move up north. You'd croak immediately from cold shock.
  20. That... is a very weird thing to call sex. You trying to go Super Saiyan on her? O_o
  21. I want your lovin' and your lover's revenge You and meee could write a baaaad romaaaaaaaa-ance {Now to see if ol' Naraku boy actually puts penis to paper on this one.}
  22. Not sure how you'd go about this, but apparently you can get paid to protest there. Might be worth looking into.
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