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Everything posted by TrigunBebop

  1. Change ur name to ITasteLikeTitties
  2. Luckily balloons cannot get pregnant. I hope.
  3. This thread is about balloons. Get your non-balloon fetish themed fan art outta here
  4. I used to eat pickled beet eggs or pickled jalapeno eggs for breakfast.
  5. I just have a balloon stuffed in my shirt.
  6. I dunno. I happen to hate (almost) all things orange flavored.
  7. I did Nazi this coming
  8. I'm okay with the cult thing so long as I get to be high ranking... and if I get to demand regular tithing in the form of 24 inch Tuftex balloons.
  9. You trying to desperately summon Zeni or something?
  10. Lies. The only beautiful romance is the romance between TrigunBebop and Balloon. TrigunBebop x Balloon OTP
  11. Come back to bed, dear.
  12. there is no 4
  14. But did Tennessee what Arkansas?
  15. Shitpost about balloons Also, cocks
  16. Don't let Bandit's adoration fool you. It's just a strategy to make you do things for them.
  17. Of course. That's what cats do. Remember: You are not a cat owner. You are merely a cat's personal assistant and intern.
  18. Equal balloon distribution.
  19. I neither drink nor do recreational drugs. I just do balloons. Also, cocks.
  20. No It's Studio Fuusen Time
  21. Weirdly enough, knowing the show's premise sorta re-contextualizes that scene a bit. Vandread was a weird ass show.
  22. Dynasty Warriors is best sport. I mean what.
  23. Engage me in balloon time. pop pop
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