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Everything posted by TrigunBebop

  1. I'm not being evicted.
  2. I'm not getting evicted. Moving from an apartment to a house. I just live with people who like to not tell me things until right before they need to be done.
  3. Yeah I'm fine. I just live with people who don't know how to plan things.
  4. Guess I better start packing or something.
  5. No Balloon No Life
  6. knowing that my whole house pretty much looks like this?
  7. Only 50? Don't know if want date.
  8. I know, right? Mylar is awful. Just awful. Also, pretty sure that string placement was quite deliberate (and for that very reason).
  9. Depends. How many fully inflated 24 inch Tuftex balloons can fit in your bedroom? And does said bedroom have one of those stupid popcorn/stucco ceilings?
  10. I replay Dynasty Warriors (Or one of its many spinoffs) everyday.
  11. Once the balloon starts inflating, it's starts being cybering.
  12. Are they an elderly cat? When my kitty got old he started puking whenever he ate wet food. Solution was to switch him to dry food only (and make sure he consumed extra water).
  13. Depends. Do you have a latex allergy? And are you scared of sudden loud noises like a balloon popping?
  14. Just got an email from a balloon fetish studio featuring a video with the following premise: "Russian woman talks about how much she loves free speech, freedom, and democracy while humping and popping mylar Trump Baby balloons". The fuck?
  15. TrigunBebop


    Imma call you "Bicycle". Cuz you're 2 tired.
  16. But it's not a pie. It's a fondue.
  17. Actually this thread is about how balloons feel kinda cold when used right after having been blown up. I mean what?
  18. I'm not complaining.
  19. Sounds like you've got allergies.
  20. Or maybe your horse got a makeover when you weren't looking.
  21. Another shitpost about balloons because I'm bored.
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