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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Boo reminds me of this mixed pornstar I see in ads everytime I go to pornhub. Not sure if that counts.
  2. On it's way
  3. I'm open to send anyone video. I always could use feedback.
  4. I did. To be fair I wasn't invited in the first place.
  5. K sending it now
  6. If you're serious I totally will
  7. Eddie Murphy. I find some of his early stuff unacceptable, but his stories were on a different level. Richard Pryor honestly puts me to sleep. I like SOME (and I must emphasize some) of Andrew Dice Clay. I mainly like how over the top he is. I don't fuck with his racist/homophobic shit at all. I mainly like his jokes about relationships. I would never emulate them because most of them are misogynistic. I just find him to be so over the top I laugh more at him than with him. I also very much enjoy Christopher Titus.
  8. Bro give me like 12 more years and I'll be there possibly
  9. I see you haven't met many comedians 😏
  10. The bottom one definitely
  11. Let's not get ahead of ourselves
  12. I'll do an hour in your living room of my hackiest dick jokes
  13. I love biopics if they're done well. The trailer for Rocketman just captured my attention. Idk why
  14. Don't bring that fucking bullshit in here. I'll ban your balls off.
  15. Rocketman and Joker! Seriously I don't really care for movies but these look like they're gonna be tits!
  16. Busy af but lovin it!
  17. Well I feel a dickwad. My sincerest apologies.
  18. Your director is a fucking asshole for that. That's wildly inconsiderate and really just makes the situation worse. Porn isn't always the party people like to think it is. At the end of the day it's about making money. And the pressure of an entire films budget hinging on your ability to fuck for 8+ hours with someone you may or may not even find attractive is a lot of pressure. Once again your director that timed you is an ass. He sounds like he's from LA. LA directors can be such bastards.
  19. Props to you for ever being able to fuck under that much pressure. I can't imagine having to do that
  20. My porn name would be Rip Torn
  21. It was. Dude wasn't worth your time.
  22. That's bullshit. Freddie Mercury was alpha as fuck.
  23. Sounds like he was jealous. Good on your bf for not acting on him being a fucktard
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